Boston Attorney for On-the-job Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Each day Boston residents rely on numerous commercial vehicles to transport goods and passengers around the city. Unfortunately, these commercial vehicles are involved in many accidents. Such accidents can be costly for commercial vehicle drivers and their families.

Commercial vehicle drivers will typically file Workers’ Compensation claims to recover benefits after on-the-job accidents. However, under certain circumstances, personal injury lawsuits may be filed against negligent third parties. An attorney for on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents can help victims determine the appropriate course of action.

If you were injured in a commercial vehicle accident in Boston, get help recovering the financial compensation available to you. Contact our experienced Boston lawyers for on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free case review.

Types of Commercial Vehicles in Boston

Commercial vehicles are any type of vehicle that transports goods or fare-paying passengers. Accordingly, commercial vehicles can come in many forms. The following are examples of commercial vehicles that can be found in Boston:

  • Semi trucks
  • Tractor-trailers
  • Delivery trucks
  • Vans
  • Construction vehicles
  • Food trucks
  • Limousines
  • Buses

In some cases, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a commercially owned vehicle and a private vehicle. Our Boston lawyers for on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents can help determine if the vehicle that hit you constitutes a commercial vehicle.

Common Injuries Caused by On-the-job Commercial Vehicle Accidents in Boston

Crashes involving large commercial trucks often cause severe, life-threatening injuries. However, victims may seek compensation for a wide range of injuries from minor to major. The following are common injuries caused by on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents in Boston:

Broken Bones

Many victims of commercial vehicle accidents suffer broken bones. In more severe cases, victims may suffer compound fractures and crush injuries. Such injuries usually require surgical treatment to recover. Our Boston lawyers for on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents can help refer the right doctors to treat your broken bones.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are another common type of injury caused by commercial vehicle accidents. Some victims may incur damage to their eyes and ears, causing harm to their visual and auditory acuity.

In more serious cases, blows to the head can cause victims to suffer skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries. Traumatic brain injuries such as concussions can produce life-long symptoms. Victims with traumatic brain injuries may pursue multiple categories of damages in commercial vehicle accident lawsuits.

Back Injuries

Back injuries are also regularly caused by on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents. Some victims will suffer soft tissue injuries to muscles or tendons in the back. Soft tissue injuries can be very painful and often cause injured parties to miss work.

In more serious cases, victims will suffer injuries to their spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries can produce immobility and paralysis. Such injuries can have many detrimental effects, including inhibiting victims’ enjoyment of life. Our Boston lawyers for on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents can help recover compensation for the multitude of damages caused by spinal cord injuries.


Additionally, burn injuries are a common type of injury caused by on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents. Burn injuries can be caused by fires, hot liquids, hot gases, and hot metal surfaces. When commercial vehicles flip or roll onto their sides, people can come into contact with hot chemicals and materials. In some cases, victims with bad burn injuries may require skin grafting treatments.

Internal Injuries

Internal injuries can also occur in on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents. In serious crashes, victims may suffer harm to internal organs or internal bleeding. However, such injuries can be difficult to detect in the aftermath of an accident. If you suspect you may have sustained internal injuries because of a commercial vehicle accident, you should not wait to seek medical treatment.

Knee Injuries

Furthermore, on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents also regularly lead to knee injuries. Victims suffer knee injuries when their knee strikes the inside of their vehicle or becomes twisted because of an accident. Older passengers and those with pre-existing knee injuries are especially susceptible to suffering knee injuries in commercial vehicle accidents.

Psychological Harm

Lastly, our Boston lawyers for on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents can help plaintiffs seek compensation for psychological harm incurred because of a crash. Commercial vehicle accidents can be traumatic. Furthermore, the injuries they cause can have catastrophic emotional effects on victims’ lives.

Common Locations of On-the-job Commercial Vehicle Accidents in Boston

Commercial vehicle accidents can occur anywhere. However, such accidents occur at certain locations more frequently than others. The following are common locations where commercial vehicle accidents occur in Boston:

Busy Intersections

Busy intersections are a common location of on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents in Boston. Intersections are areas where multiple lanes of traffic converge. When motorists fail to obey traffic signals or make improper turns, serious accidents can occur. Our Boston lawyers for on-the-job commercial vehicle accident can help recover compensation after crashes that occur at busy intersections.

Areas with Heavy Pedestrian Traffic

Areas with heavy pedestrian traffic are also a common location of on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents in Boston. Many pedestrians in such areas will attempt to cross streets in inappropriate areas or at improper times. Accordingly, accidents often occur when commercial vehicle drivers attempt to avoid pedestrians who are unlawfully crossing a roadway.

Busy Highways

Lastly, busy highways are also a common location of on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents in Boston. Commercial trucks usually must travel at a slower speed than standard cars. Therefore, some cars can become aggravated when stuck behind commercial trucks on a highway. Aggravated drivers regularly cause accidents by tailgating commercial trucks or improperly attempting to pass them.

If You Were Injured in an On-the-job Commercial Vehicle Accident in Boston, Our Lawyers Can Help

If you were injured in a commercial vehicle accident in Boston, seek guidance and support from our experienced Boston lawyers for on-the-job commercial vehicle accidents by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free case review.