Medford Personal Injury Lawyer

There are fewer things more devastating than suffering a personal injury. If you have been the victim of another person’s negligence, you deserve to be compensated for all the losses caused by it.

Fortunately, our personal injury attorneys can help your case in numerous ways. Filing a lawsuit is simply one aspect of a personal injury case, but there are many other aspects important to your recovery efforts. Our firm can take the lead on your case so you can focus on the most important part, healing from your injuries. We will negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and prepare the evidence for your lawsuit so that the compensation you are entitled to is paid.

For a free case evaluation with our personal injury lawyers, call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan today at (617) 925-6407.

How a Medford Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Your Case

When it comes to personal injury cases, lawyers do more than simply argue in court and agree to settlements. They prioritize the rights of their clients, provide emotional assistance, manage complicated cases, collect evidence, negotiate with insurance providers, and do everything possible to secure the most favorable outcome for their clients. Our Medford personal injury lawyers can help you in these ways and more. The following are just a few of the services we can provide to help you recover compensation for your injuries in Medford:

Gathering Evidence

The responsibilities of a personal injury lawyer go beyond filing a lawsuit. Our team conducts thorough investigations to gather evidence that strengthens our clients’ cases. This process may entail visiting the accident site, interviewing witnesses, scrutinizing police reports and medical records, and seeking advice from specialists, just to name a few. By meticulously building a solid case, the chances of securing a favorable outcome are greatly increased.

Obtaining evidence can prove to be the most difficult part of a personal injury case. Often, the evidence needed is in the possession of other parties, making it harder to access. For example, collecting evidence from a business owner in a premises liability case might require sending an official request to preserve evidence. While they might ignore an individual when requesting evidence, there could be repercussions for ignoring an attorney’s request.

Evaluating and Developing Strategies for Your Case

We can also offer a comprehensive case evaluation and develop customized strategies for your case. This usually involves analyzing the circumstances surrounding the incident, identifying all possible sources of compensation, and determining the most effective course of action, whether it be an insurance claim or lawsuit. By taking this thorough approach, you can receive the compensation you deserve while minimizing the stress of the legal process on your life.

Our team has years of experience in a wide range of cases, including car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, work injuries, and more. We understand the unique challenges associated with each case and can navigate the complex legal landscape skillfully, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.

Help Securing Medical Treatment

If you are not sure what doctors you should see after suffering a personal injury, we can assist you in accessing the medical treatment and rehabilitation services required for recovery. Our firm will work with healthcare providers to coordinate care, negotiate payment arrangements, and advocate for insurance coverage of necessary treatments if you are being denied.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often attempt to reduce compensation payouts for personal injury cases. However, our firm is well-versed in identifying and countering the tactics employed by insurance adjusters. If an insurance company is resisting its responsibility to pay your damages, we can file a lawsuit to move the process along. In many cases, filing a lawsuit will show the insurance company that you mean business and will often help negotiations to come to a favorable conclusion.

Common Ways Personal Injuries Occur in Medford

There are many different circumstances in which personal injuries can occur. Understanding these situations and how to seek recovery can be difficult without the help of skilled legal counsel. The following are some of the most frequent accidents that lead to personal injury lawsuits in Medford:

Car Accidents

One of the most frequent causes of injuries in Medford is car accidents. When drivers violate traffic laws and regulations on both public and private roads, they can cause significant harm. While car accidents are common, each case requires its own unique approach. In some cases, more than one party might be liable for your injuries, such as when a commercial vehicle causes an accident. In these situations, the driver and their employer can usually be sued.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice cases are also common in Medford. If a medical professional fails to follow established standards of care, it can have dire consequences. Malpractice victims who have suffered new injuries or whose existing injuries were unnecessarily worsened through malpractice deserve to recover compensation from each healthcare provider that failed to provide the proper care. It also might be possible to sue the hospital for negligently hiring an inadequate medical professional.

Slip and Falls Accidents

In Medford, property owners must ensure that the premises are safe for those who are there. The responsibilities of a property owner or manager depend on the type of property and the reason for a visitor’s presence. For instance, the obligations owed to patrons by a restaurant owner might differ from those owed to a dinner guest in a private residence. Nevertheless, it is the property owner’s responsibility to take appropriate measures to prevent accidents that could cause injury to their guests and those they could reasonably foresee coming onto the property.

Workplace Accidents

Negligence in the workplace often causes serious injuries in Medford. While Workers’ Compensation might be available, recovering these benefits can be a truly difficult process in Medford and throughout Massachusetts. Having an attorney on your side can help expedite this process. If that avenue to compensation is not available, a lawsuit can be filed to hold the responsible party accountable.

Types of Damages You Can Recover in a Medford Personal Injury Lawsuit

When a plaintiff wins their case, they receive monetary compensation that reflects the extent of harm caused by their injuries. In legal terms, this compensation is known as “damages,” which take into account both economic and non-economic losses. While economic damages can be easily calculated in financial terms, non-economic damages are based on your subjective experiences and are more difficult to calculate without previous experience.

Economic Damages

When someone suffers a personal injury, the economic damages they incur are calculated based on their financial losses. This includes expenses like medical bills, as well as any income or opportunities for career advancement that were lost due to the injury. You can also claim property damage and out-of-pocket expenses, so be sure to save any invoices, estimates, and receipts you receive related to your accident.

Non-Economic Damages

When it comes to calculating damages for a personal injury, the extent of your pain and suffering is also taken into account. These non-economic damages are intended to cover the more personal effects of an injury, such as chronic pain or disfigurement, that can impact a victim’s relationships and quality of life. Pain and suffering damages can also be claimed for mental distress, anxiety, and depression caused by your injuries.

Our Medford Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

Call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free case review with our dedicated personal injury lawyers.