
September 18, 2021

How Long Should You Be Sore After a Car Accident?

Car accidents are scary. The fear and adrenaline you experience after a collision can last for a long time, camouflaging any pain you might have. When soreness does appear, it’s often ignored. However, if that soreness doesn’t subside for many weeks, it could indicate...

September 14, 2021

Can an Independent Contractor Get Workers Compensation in Massachusetts?

Under Massachusetts’ wage and workers’ compensation laws, a presumption exists that a work arrangement creates an employer-employee relationship. The party receiving the services has the burden of rebutting this legal presumption. The employer must demonstrate that...

September 14, 2021

How Long Do the Symptoms of Whiplash Last After a Car Accident?

Whiplash is a typical injury associated with car accidents. Whiplash can be caused by very serious accidents or minor fender benders. Symptoms from whiplash can be very painful or even debilitating in severe cases. How people experience whiplash is unique to the...

September 5, 2021

What Should You Do If You Have Neck Pain Years After an Accident?

After a serious accident, people should immediately be checked out by a doctor. However, not everyone realizes the true extent of their injuries right away. Other people also do not realize they might have a right to file a lawsuit for their injuries. If you have neck...

September 4, 2021

How is the Value of a Wrongful Death Claim Calculated in Massachusetts?

Wrongful death claims arise from many of the same types of incidents and accidents that result in personal injury lawsuits. In a personal injury claim, the victim has the right to seek compensation for their injuries and damages, including medical bills and emotional...

September 1, 2021

How Much Should I Settle for a Broken Arm in Massachusetts?

There are many questions a personal injury will be asked through the course of their day. One of the most popular ones is, “what is my case worth?” Another similar question is, “how much is a fair settlement offer?” Both of these questions often stem from a broad...

August 20, 2021

How to Get a Police Report for Your Car Accident in Boston

There are some common steps you should take after a car accident. The first thing to do is attend to your injuries and check on the health of any passengers. If necessary, seek immediate medical attention. Depending on your injuries, you should gather the name,...

August 18, 2021

What Family Members Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Massachusetts?

Every state, including Massachusetts, have laws governing wrongful death claims. to understand how wrongful death lawsuits work, it is important to understand how Massachusetts defines “wrongful death,” what types of damages are available, and if there are any time...