What Should You Do if You Are Hit by an 18-Wheeler in Massachusetts?

Vehicles are continually improved. Advancements in traffic management and safety technology have helped protect drivers and passengers on Massachusetts roadways. However, with an increase in the number of vehicles on the road and the addition of modern complications, such as cell phones, accidents continue to occur. Drivers of large commercial trucks also face a unique set of pressures, including long hours coupled with the task of operating these massive machines. According to our Massachusetts catastrophic injury lawyer, when an 18-wheeler is involved in an accident with a smaller car or vehicle, the resulting damage and injuries are often catastrophic. People involved in these devastating events might not know what to do in the ensuing chaos.

Every car accident is potentially traumatic. However, if a commercial rig strikes your car or smaller truck, it is unlikely that you are walking away with a few small bruises. Seeking immediate medical attention should be your first priority. However, there are other measures you could take that could help hold a negligent truck driver or company liable for your losses

The aftermath and effects of an 18-wheeler accident could be overwhelming. After ensuring you and your passengers have received the necessary medical attention, you should contact our experienced and compassionate Boston personal injury lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan. Even in a minor accident, a trucking company and driver will have a team of lawyers working to limit their liability. to have someone fight for you, call (617) 925-6407.

Steps to Take After a Massachusetts 18-Wheeler Accident

The moments following any accident could be confusing. This is especially the case if you were involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler. Trucking companies will begin an independent investigation soon after an accident occurs. You want to protect your rights by contacting our Massachusetts truck accident lawyers. However, there are some things you could do after an accident that could help your personal injury case or insurance settlement.

Medical Attention

Your health and the health of anyone else involved in the crash should be your first concern. In some accidents, the injuries will be so severe the accident victims will have to be taken immediately to the nearest hospital or trauma center. Depending on what other drivers or witnesses do, you might have to call the police or 911 to ensure medical personnel is dispatched to the scene. While checking on other drivers, you should not admit fault to anyone.

Call the Police

You want the police to investigate the scene. Do not assume another party involved called them. The police will make sure the injured receive care and conduct the initial investigation of the accident. an accident report will serve as an important piece of evidence in building a personal injury claim or negotiating with an insurance company.

Photograph the Scene

If physically able, you should document the scene. Take pictures of the vehicles, damage, skid marks, and your injuries. This evidence could be crucial when negotiating with insurance companies or taking your case to court. Pictures from the scene will also assist an accident reconstructionist in determining how the crash occurred.

Gather Witness Information

Witnesses are vital in any accident case. The testimony from a disinterested third party carries more weight than statements from you or someone in your car.

In addition to people who saw the crash, you might want to look around to see if any local businesses had video surveillance of the accident. Other drivers might have had a dashcam that recorded footage of the crash.

Many trucks are equipped with onboard cameras. Our Boston personal injury lawyers will send preservation letters to any business or company that could have recorded the accident to protect the evidence from being destroyed.

Call Our Massachusetts Truck Accident Lawyers

18-wheeler accidents are traumatic and serious. You need a legal representative that has experience handling complex litigation. Trucking companies have teams of lawyers and investigators that will immediately start working to limit or deny their responsibility. You want to have someone working on your behalf as soon as possible.

Massachusetts 18-Wheeler Accidents Are Complicated

Truck accident claims are challenging for the victims, their attorneys and the insurance companies involved. There are various reasons why 18-wheeler accident claims are complex. First, because of the nature of these accidents and the size of the vehicles, the resulting injuries are often severe. Significant injuries mean substantial damages, including medical bills and lost income. Additionally, truck accident cases are complicated by various state and federal regulations and laws that apply to commercial truck operators and trucking companies. Our Boston truck accident attorneys are familiar with these regulations and how they impact injury claims.

Proving liability is also more difficult when a large 18-wheeler is involved in an accident than when two smaller cars collide. You do not want a lawyer that will treat a truck accident like a car crash. Responsibility could rest with the truck driver, the trucking company, the cab or trailer manufacturer, the company that loaded the cargo, or another driver on the road. In many cases, more than one party is at fault. Our experienced attorneys will thoroughly investigate the accident to determine what party or parties should be held liable for your losses.

Massachusetts Truck Accident Attorneys Fighting For Your Rights

Truck accident cases are significantly different and more challenging than ordinary car crashes. There are common causes of truck accidents. The steps you take following a crash will impact your chances of obtaining the just compensation you deserve. One of the first things you should do is immediately contact our experienced Cambridge truck accident lawyers. Our team of attorneys and investigators need to start building your case within a day or two of the accident to ensure evidence is preserved. Call (617) 925-6407 to have the Law Office of John J. Sheehan working for you.