How Long Do Personal Injury Claim Negotiations Take in Massachusetts?

After sustaining an injury caused by a negligent or intentionally wrongful act in Massachusetts, victims may decide to sue the responsible party. During that process, both parties might decide to enter into negotiations to forgo a trial. But how long personal injury claim negotiations take in Massachusetts?

Personal injury claim negotiations can take a long time. It’s hard to determine the length of negotiations, but it can depend on a couple of key factors. The first is the available evidence to support your claim. The second is the skill and ability of your attorney. that being said, it can take a few offers from a defendant before you agree on an appropriate settlement amount. So, be patient and work with a lawyer who you can trust.

The Massachusetts personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan are dedicated to fighting for victims’ rights. Our team can work to hasten the negotiation process without compromising on an inadequate settlement amount. For a free consultation, visit us online or call the Boston personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan today at (617) 925-6407.

How Long Will Negotiations for My Personal Injury Claim Take in Massachusetts?

During the legal process, there may come a time when both parties decide to enter into negotiations to avoid trial. This can happen for several reasons. Perhaps the evidence is overwhelming and a defendant doesn’t favor their chances in court. Other times, the prospect of a looming trial deters defendants from proceeding. Regardless, settlement negotiations are a good sign indicating you’re one step closer to receiving the compensation you deserve. that being said, it can take a long time to settle a personal injury claim through negotiations in Massachusetts.

There’s no set period for negotiations to take place. to begin the negotiation process, both the plaintiff and defendant have to agree to sit down and discuss. Entering into negotiations doesn’t mean that the option to go to trial is off the table forever. For example, if you’re unable to agree on an adequate amount in damages for a victim during negotiations, your attorney may decide to proceed with a trial. However, trials can take years to even reach a court’s docket. by that time, the financial impact of your injury may be too severe. Receiving compensation quickly is often the goal of victims, which is why they may elect to enter into settlement negotiations.

In Massachusetts, just like in any state, the length of negotiations depends on how willing each side is to settle. Suppose you enlist the help of an experienced lawyer, like the Cambridge personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan. In that case, they may be able to convince a defendant to settle sooner rather than later. that being said, the first offer is rarely substantial enough to fully compensate for a victim’s injuries. Settling for an inadequate offer won’t allow you to receive the necessary damages you deserve. It’s understandable for personal injury plaintiffs to want the litigation process to go quickly. Having the help of a skilled lawyer can help you receive the right settlement offer in the shortest period of time. Contact our Quincy, MA personal injury lawyer for more information.

How Can You Speed Up Personal Injury Claim Negotiations in Massachusetts?

Although there are few ways to measure the potential length of personal injury claim negotiations in Massachusetts, you might be able to speed up the process. Successful negotiations are primarily based on the available evidence and the experience of your attorney. Although it might seem counterproductive, not accepting the first few offers can show how determined your legal team is to get you the compensation you deserve. Dedication to your Massachusetts personal injury claim can deter defendants from wanting to proceed to trial and can result in settling at a higher amount.

Compile Compelling Evidence

One of the first things your attorney will do when they accept your case is thoroughly investigate your claim. During that time, it’s helpful to provide them with any pertinent information you might have. All details are welcome. Compile your medical records and an account of your lost wages. Document how your injury has impacted your life, too. Your attorney will search for video footage of an accident and photographic evidence. They will speak to law enforcement that might have been called to the scene. Your lawyer will attempt to prove that the defendant is at fault for your injuries, whether through a negligent or intentionally wrongful act.

This is really the crux of determining the length of personal injury claim negotiations in Massachusetts. The more compelling your evidence is, the less likely a defendant will be to want to go to trial. Helping your attorney by providing them with all important information can help quickly convince a defendant to settle at an appropriate amount.

Hire an Experienced Attorney

The better your attorney is, the better the outcome of your negotiations may be. No matter how compelling your evidence is, it requires a skilled personal injury lawyer to present it in the right way. In addition, knowing which pieces of information are helpful and which aren’t takes experience. Hiring a skilled lawyer, like the Massachusetts personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan, can speed up negotiations. that being said, it isn’t always easy to find the right attorney for your case.

When hiring a legal team, it’s important that they care about the success of your case. a disinterested attorney might accept the first offer during negotiations to quicken the process. However, that does a disservice to you, their client. Working with the right team of experienced lawyers, like the Malden personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan, can reduce the time spent in negotiations and get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Remember, it’s important to stay patient during personal injury claim negotiations in Massachusetts. it can be a lengthy process but, at the end of it, you may be able to get the compensation you deserve. So, be patient and work with a legal team you can trust to represent your interests through personal injury claim negotiations in Massachusetts.

Our Attorneys Can Speed Up Personal Injury Claim Negotiations in Massachusetts

When you need quick access to compensation for your injuries, you need a lawyer that can negotiate on your behalf. For a free consultation with the Wakefield personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan, visit us online or call today at (617) 925-6407.