
December 8, 2021

Do You Sue the Driver or the Trucking Company After a Truck Accident?

If you were in an accident with a tractor-trailer or another commercial truck, it can be difficult to know whom to sue for your injuries. What makes Boston hit-and-run accidents unique is that the person who causes the accident often cannot be identified. There are...

December 2, 2021

How Much is a Neck and Back Injury Settlement in Massachusetts Worth?

Various accidents, including car crashes and slip and fall accidents in Massachusetts, could lead to a host of injuries and damages. Injuries to the neck and back are especially common. These injuries usually consist of soft tissue damage or muscle tears or strains....

December 1, 2021

What Should You Do if You Are Hit by an 18-Wheeler in Massachusetts?

Vehicles are continually improved. Advancements in traffic management and safety technology have helped protect drivers and passengers on Massachusetts roadways. However, with an increase in the number of vehicles on the road and the addition of modern complications,...

November 25, 2021

What is the Statute of Limitations on Wrongful Death in Massachusetts?

A “statute of limitations” is a rule that puts a deadline on particular court claims.  Wrongful death claims in Massachusetts are one of the many types of civil lawsuits that has a statute of limitations.  This puts an outside limit on how long the family of the...

November 18, 2021

Safety Regulations for Scaffolding in Massachusetts

Construction workers in Massachusetts need to know about the safety regulations for scaffolding. that way, they can report faulty structures and hold their employers accountable in case of a fall. So, what are these regulations, and how can they benefit you? Safety...

November 2, 2021

What Should You Do After a Workplace Injury in Massachusetts?

Workers across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, particularly those in manual labor roles, are exposed to the danger of injury every day like from excavation digging and trench accidents while doing their necessary work. If you were injured while at work, you should...

October 12, 2021

How Long Do Personal Injury Claim Negotiations Take in Massachusetts?

After sustaining an injury caused by a negligent or intentionally wrongful act in Massachusetts, victims may decide to sue the responsible party. During that process, both parties might decide to enter into negotiations to forgo a trial. But how long personal injury...

October 8, 2021

How to Get a Police Report for a Car Accident Report in Boston

Car accidents can be extremely damaging to victims, who often require significant compensatory damages. In order to strengthen your claim against a negligent driver, it’s vital to obtain a copy of a police report after a car accident in Boston. Boston car accident...