Taunton, MA Bus Accident Lawyer

Bus accidents have the potential to cause severe injuries to passengers and other drivers in Taunton. Victims of such accidents often face difficulties in claiming compensation, as they might not know what their legal rights are.

If you have been in a bus accident in Taunton, it is essential to have an experienced lawyer who can help you recover damages for your injuries. Bus accidents are complex, as multiple parties could be responsible for your injuries. In most cases, the bus company can be held accountable for the driver’s negligence. However, if you were injured in a government-owned bus, filing a lawsuit can be challenging. Our team is here to help you navigate through these challenges and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

For a free case evaluation with our bus accident lawyers, contact the Law Office of John J. Sheehan today at (617) 925-6407.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Bus Accident in Taunton, MA

Navigating bus accident lawsuits in Taunton can be a challenging process, as determining liability is not always straightforward. However, our bus accident attorneys are here to help ensure the responsible parties pay. Although the bus driver is typically deemed responsible, there might be other parties involved in the accident, such as the bus company, other drivers, or even the local government. Due to the complexity of these cases, seeking legal guidance is highly recommended. The following are the most common parties sued for bus accidents in Taunton:

The Bus Driver

When it comes to a bus accident in Taunton, the initial thought is to sue the bus driver. The bus driver bears the responsibility of ensuring the safety of all passengers onboard. However, if the driver failed to meet the reasonable care standard whilst operating the bus, they could be held liable for any damages resulting from their negligence or recklessness. For example, if the driver was found to be speeding or driving unreasonably during adverse weather conditions, they would be obligated to compensate the victims of the accident.

The Bus Company

If you were injured in a bus accident caused by the driver, it might be possible to sue the bus company, as well. The law allows victims to hold employers responsible for the actions of their employees, known as the theory of respondeat. superior. If the driver was performing their usual duties, such as transporting passengers, or failed to maintain the bus, both the driver and the bus company might be named in the lawsuit.

Other Drivers

It is common for a Taunton bus accident to involve at least one other vehicle. Despite buses being among the largest vehicles on the road, negligent drivers might still fail to notice them. For example, a driver might cut off a bus while changing lanes, resulting in a catastrophic accident that could make the bus roll over in an attempt to avoid the other vehicle.

Government Agencies

In Taunton, the municipality oversees a relatively large fleet of buses for public use. If you were injured while riding on a bus that is owned and maintained by a government agency, you might have the option to pursue legal action against both the driver and the agency. However, government agencies are typically protected by “sovereign immunity,” which means that they cannot be sued without their consent in most cases. Fortunately, there are some exceptions to this rule that allow victims to sue for personal injury caused by a government vehicle. Before initiating legal action, it is usually necessary to provide written notice to the responsible government agency.

Steps to Take Following a Bus Accident in Taunton, MA

In case you have suffered injuries from a bus accident in Taunton, it is crucial to take the right steps to protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve. First, contact the police at the accident scene as soon as possible. Additionally, collect contact information from other passengers, as they might be essential witnesses in your case, and our team can encourage them to testify on your behalf. Of course, seek medical attention immediately following the accident to begin documenting your injuries.

Call 911

If you are involved in a bus accident, the first step you should take is to contact the police. The police will arrive at the scene and create a report detailing the incident, which can be used to gather more evidence for your lawsuit, identify witnesses, and provide a detailed account of what occurred. Additionally, the report will contain important contact and insurance information, which will be useful in holding the responsible party accountable. To ensure that all information is accurately documented, it is important to remain at the scene until an officer arrives.

Obtain Evidence at the Scene

It is advisable to gather as much information as possible following a bus accident in Taunton. This includes noting down descriptions of all vehicles involved, including their license plates, make, and model. Additionally, record details of individuals involved in the accident, such as passengers and drivers. It is also important to document any injuries you might have sustained or witnessed during the incident.

To preserve evidence of your bus accident, it is recommended to take pictures and videos using your mobile phone. Make sure to capture images of any physical damage you come across and also evidence of the accident on the road, such as debris or skid marks. These pictures will prove invaluable when seeking compensation via an insurance claim or lawsuit in the future. Your injuries might have healed considerably by the time of a potential trial.

If, due to serious injuries, you cannot take pictures of the accident, seek assistance from emergency medical staff or nearby individuals. Depending on the type of bus involved, the bus driver might be required to make an official accident report. Many bus companies and municipalities mandate that bus drivers submit incident reports and report the accident to their immediate supervisor. Our team can help you obtain a copy of the report if you do not receive one while at the accident scene.

Seek Medical Care

It is also crucial to get checked at the hospital after a bus accident, even if you do not feel injured or hurt badly. There could be internal injuries that you are unaware of. In terms of your legal case, medical records are essential to receive compensation. Without proof of your injuries and the required treatments to recover, you will not be able to claim damages.

Contact Our Attorneys

After obtaining appropriate medical attention, please contact us immediately to protect your legal rights and commence legal proceedings to obtain the compensation you deserve. We can also reach out to witnesses and gather relevant evidence to help strengthen your case.

Our Taunton, MA Bus Accident Lawyers Can Help

Call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free case review with our bus accident attorneys.