Salem, MA Construction Accident & Injury Lawyer

Construction accident injuries can stem from many sources. For example, vehicle collisions, poorly maintained equipment, and falling debris are all potential causes of injuries on construction sites. These injuries are often debilitating and painful for victims.

Depending on the circumstances of your construction accident, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the party responsible for your injury. On the other hand, you could be limited to seeking benefits through Workers’ Compensation insurance. In either case, an attorney can offer guidance and support on your path to recovery.

If you suffered a construction accident in Salem, MA, get help taking the appropriate steps toward compensation. Get in touch with our experienced Salem construction accident and injury lawyers by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 to review your case for free.

When Can You File a Construction Accident Lawsuit in Salem, MA?

Your ability to file a construction accident case against an at-fault party will likely depend on the cause of the accident at issue. If your injury was caused by a third-party’s negligent conduct, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. For example, if your accident occurred because of a defective tool or part, you may be able to sue the defective product’s seller or manufacturer. Furthermore, if your construction accident was caused by a third-party contractor sharing your construction site, you be able to file a case. Potential plaintiffs can contact our Salem construction accident and injury lawyers for help evaluating the strength of their cases.

However, employers usually cannot be held accountable for construction accidents they cause. If you were injured because of your employer’s negligent actions, then you will likely have to pursue monetary damages by filing a Workers’ Compensation claim.

Those who seek payment through Workers’ Compensation will only be able to recover payment for medical expenses and lost income related to their injuries. Meanwhile, plaintiffs in construction accident lawsuits can pursue a variety of economic and non-economic damages stemming from the harm they suffered.

Types of Damages Available in a Salem, MA Construction Accident Lawsuit

The categories of damages you recover in your construction accident case will most likely depend on the extent of harm you suffered. During your free case review, our attorneys can explain which of the following may be awarded in your lawsuit:

Pain and Suffering

Construction accident injuries are often accompanied by devastating physical pain and emotional suffering. For example, in addition to suffering physical pain, a worker who incurs a spinal cord injury may be prohibited from enjoying the same hobbies they engaged in before their accidents. In that case, the plaintiff could be compensated for their pain and suffering.

However, establishing damages for pain and suffering can be difficult without the help of our Salem construction accident and injury lawyers. Plaintiffs usually must gather extensive amounts of evidence to support such claims. Our team can help collect and preserve the information necessary to recover pain and suffering damages in your case.

Medical Expenses

Plaintiffs in construction accident lawsuits can also recover compensation for any medical costs they suffered because of their injuries. All past, current, and future medical expenses can be covered. These damages are usually proven through medical bills and records. Therefore, it is important that you visit the doctor as soon as possible after sustaining a construction accident injury. Official documentation of the harm you suffered will be required to recover monetary damages. Furthermore, defendants and their insurance companies may try to use a delay in treatment to argue that you were not badly hurt.

Lost Wages

Damages for lost wages may also be pursued through construction accident lawsuits. Many construction accident injuries prohibit workers from performing their duties at work. Accordingly, victims may recover compensation for any lost wages they incur during recovery.

Unfortunately, some injured workers are permanently restricted from performing the same tasks that they could tend to before their accidents. In such cases, plaintiffs can recover monetary damages for their lost future earning capacity. Expert witness testimony is often required to support a claim for lost income in the future. Our Salem construction accident and injury lawyers can help call on the right experts to support such a claim in your case.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Out-of-pocket expenses are another form of monetary damages that can be recovered. These losses can come in many forms. For instance, an injured construction worker may have to pay for expensive assistance with child care during their recovery. Further, a victim may have to pay costly transportation while travelling to and from medical appointments. In such cases, plaintiffs can be compensated for any out-of-pocket expenses they incurred because of their construction accident injuries.

Damages for out-of-pocket expenses are usually established using receipts. Therefore, after a construction accident, you should save the receipts for any costs you incur because of your injuries.

Property Damage

Lastly, compensation for property damage can also be sought by plaintiffs in construction accident lawsuits. There are multiple ways that workers can incur damage to property. For instance, a worker who suffers a slip and fall accident on a construction site may sustain damage to their personal tools. In that case, our Salem construction accident and injury lawyers could help the victim seek compensation for the cost of repair or replacement of their damaged property.

Elements of a Construction Accident Lawsuit in Salem, MA

Construction accident lawsuits can take weeks to months to years to complete. The process for pursuing monetary damages can vary greatly from case to case. However, every plaintiff must show that the following elements are true:

  • The defendant was under a duty of care
  • The defendant did not act in accordance with their duty of care
  • You suffered injuries because the defendant breached their duty
  • You sustained damages because of your injuries

During your free case review, our experienced Salem construction accident and injury lawyers can help determine if these elements are present.

If You Were Hurt Because of a Construction Accident in Salem, MA, Our Attorneys Can Help

If you suffered a construction accident, seek support from our experienced Salem construction accident and injury lawyers by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 to review your case for free.