Natick, MA Workers’ Comp Lawyer

If you were hurt on the job in Natick, our attorneys can help you recover damages for your lost wages and medical expenses by filing a Workers’ Compensation claim.

You can proceed with a Workers’ Compensation if you were hurt in a workplace accident in Natick. Workers’ Compensation also covers a wide range of medical conditions, including occupational illnesses. Workers’ Compensation is a no-fault system, meaning you can get benefits as long as you were injured at work and did not intentionally cause your injuries. To get these benefits, you must submit medical evidence of your injuries. Your benefit payments will depend on the extent of your injuries and your previous income prior to an accident. If your initial Workers’ Compensation claim was denied in Natick, our attorneys can help you appeal it.

For help with your case, call the Natick, MA Workers’ Compensation lawyers of the Law Office of John J. Sheehan now at (617) 925-6407.

When to File a Workers’ Comp Claim in Natick, MA

Typically, employees can file Workers’ Compensation claims for any workplace injuries, provided that they did not intentionally cause an accident in Natick. You should initiate this process quickly so that you can get damages for your losses as soon as possible.

Workers’ Compensation covers any occupational illnesses, injuries, or disabilities sustained by employees during the course of their employment. This does not extend to injuries sustained when going to or from work in Natick. Generally speaking, it does not matter who caused your injuries or how you sustained them, as Workers’ Compensation is a no-fault system in Massachusetts. This means that your employer does not necessarily have to act negligently for you to file a Workers’ Compensation claim.

Workers’ Compensation does not cover injuries caused by intentional acts from employees. For example, if an employee caused an accident on purpose in order to get lost-wage benefits or other benefits, their injuries will not be covered by Workers’ Compensation. That said, if your employer caused your injuries due to serious and willful misconduct, your Workers’ Compensation benefits may be doubled, according to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 152, § 28.

Inform your employer of your workplace injury right away so that they can report it to their insurance carrier and the Department of Industrial Accidents. Employees will not have an unlimited amount of time to pursue recovery through Workers’ Compensation in Natick, making acting quickly paramount for injured victims.

Building Medical Evidence for Your Workers’ Comp Claim in Natick, MA

When it comes to Workers’ Compensation, it is important that victims seek the appropriate medical care during the course of their physical recovery. Otherwise, recovering medical damages may be challenging for injured employees in Natick.

Often, employers have pre-approved doctors for employees to visit following a workplace accident. In most cases, victims must see the proper medical professional approved by their employer’s Workers’ Compensation carrier for an initial evaluation. After you do this, you can get continuous medical care from the doctors or specialists of your choosing.

Focusing on your physical health will be important for the overall success of your Workers’ Compensation claim in Natick. Our Workers’ Compensation lawyers can explain the significance of building medical records that clearly show the extent of your injuries, the likely cause of your injuries, and your anticipated recovery time. These medical records may be the basis of your Workers’ Compensation claim, which is why taking the time to build them will be essential.

Estimating Your Workers’ Comp Benefits in Natick, MA

Your Workers’ Compensation benefits will depend on how severely you are disabled, whether or not you can return to work, and if you have medical damages that need to be compensated in Natick.

The main Workers’ Compensation benefit that injured employees are concerned about is lost-wage benefits. Depending on whether you are getting temporary total incapacity benefits or partial incapacity benefits, you might receive between 60% and 75% of your average weekly wage prior to sustaining your injury. How long you receive those lost-wage benefits will also depend on the type of disability you have. For example, if you qualify for permanent and total incapacity benefits, you can get them for as long as your injury or disability persists, according to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 152, § 34A.

The medical benefits you get from your employer’s Workers’ Compensation carrier will depend on the extent of your medical care. Medical benefits can cover all necessary procedures, tests, surgeries, and other treatment related to an employee’s work-related injuries in Natick.

Appealing a Denial of Workers’ Comp Benefits in Natick, MA

Unfortunately, carriers in Natick routinely deny Workers’ Compensation claims, whether because of simple mistakes or glaring issues in applications for benefits. If your claim for benefits was recently denied, we can help you appeal the decision.

The initial steps of Workers’ Compensation claims must be handled properly to increase the chances of approval. Our attorneys can help you prepare your claim and ensure you have sufficient evidence to show that you were injured and worked and deserve Workers’ Compensation benefits in Natick.

Such action can reduce the likelihood that your claim will be denied. If your claim was denied, you can appeal the decision by filing an Employee’s Complaint, Form 110, with the Department of Industrial Accidents in Massachusetts. A conciliation meeting might follow between us and your employer’s insurer. Suppose the meeting is unsuccessful, and we are unable to come to an agreement with your employer’s Workers’ Compensation. In that case, you can get a hearing in front of an administrative law judge to review the issue. By providing further medical evidence of your injuries, you can likely get the initial decision to deny your Workers’ Compensation benefits appealed.

Call Our Natick, MA Attorneys to Get Workers’ Comp Benefits

To get a free case review, call the Workers’ Compensation lawyers of the Law Office of John J. Sheehan now at (617) 925-6407.