Falmouth, MA Workers’ Comp Lawyer

In Falmouth, most workers are covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance, allowing them to recover benefits if they become hurt at work. Recovering these benefits is not always easy, and victims can get the help they need from our attorneys.

There are certain things that injured employees can do to make their Workers’ Compensation cases more successful in Falmouth. For example, you should report any injuries sustained at work to your employer right away and begin receiving medical treatment for your injuries. You should also contact our lawyers to ensure your claim is initiated as soon as possible and within the statute of limitations to bring Workers’ Compensation cases. In terms of what you should not do when seeking benefits, the list is long. Victims should not allow any gaps in their medical treatment, as doing so could result in claim denial. Victims should not underestimate the extent of their injuries and delay seeking care or reporting injuries to their employers.

To have our Falmouth, MA Workers’ Compensation lawyers assess your case for free, call the team at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan now at (617) 925-6407.

What to Do and What Not to Do During Workers’ Comp Claims in Falmouth, MA

Financial recovery following workplace accidents is often so crucial for injured workers, and filing a successful Workers’ Compensation claim is often the only recovery option for victims. Because of this, it is important for injured employees to learn what to say and what not to say throughout their Workers’ Compensation cases in Falmouth. Missteps at any point during the process could lead to a Workers’ Compensation case for benefits being denied.

What to Do

To begin, there are many important things injured employees must do following an accident on the job, the first being reporting an accident to their employer. You should do this right away so that there is documentation that a work-related accident occurred, harming you. Then, go to the emergency room to get your injuries assessed and diagnosed. Maintaining a thorough medical record will be of the utmost importance for your claim. So, you should continue to get the necessary care for injuries for as long as you need it. As you incur damages for related to surgeries, scans, prescription medication, physical therapy, or other medical care, provide copies of bills to our lawyers.

If you were hurt in view of other employees, ask if they saw the accident take place. If they did, our lawyers can interview them to obtain their statements to use in support of your claim. While investigating the cause of your injuries, we might unearth surveillance footage that shows the incident happening, proving you were hurt at work.

Another thing to consider is the amount of time you have to bring your claim. Although, according to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 152, § 41, injured employees have four years to pursue recovery through Workers’ Compensation in Falmouth, it might be harder to find success the longer you wait to bring a claim. Because of that, enlisting our Workers’ Compensation lawyers to assist with your case from the onset is important, as we can immediately begin gathering evidence of the cause of your injuries and your medical damages to prove your eligibility for benefits.

Knowing how much your monthly Workers’ Compensation benefit amounts should be is necessary so that, during conversations and negotiations with your employer’s insurance, your total compensation is appropriate. Employees are typically eligible for lost-wage benefits in Falmouth, as well as medical benefits. We can obtain your employment records and information regarding your income to calculate your likely benefit amount. This amount will also be based on your injuries, so having ample medical records detailing those injuries is important.

What Not to Do

The risk of a claim for Workers’ Compensation being denied might have little to do with an injured employee’s eligibility for benefits, and more to do with an insurer wanting to reduce the benefits paid to a claimant. To ensure this does not happen in your case, there are many things you should be careful not to do. For example, you should not give any extensive statements about the accident until speaking with our lawyers. If you do, you might leave out information or misspeak, resulting in contradictions between statements that could harm your case.

Furthermore, after being on the job, you should not allow for any gaps in your medical treatment. This refers to periods of time after sustaining an injury where you failed to get the care you needed. For example, a victim might complete a portion of their treatment plan, only to become discouraged and pause it for a short time. Even if they then resumed their treatment, the fact that there was a gap might be called into question regarding your eligibility for benefits under Workers’ Compensation insurance.

Not all injuries that qualify employees for Workers’ Compensation are due to major accidents. For example, repetitive motion injuries are sustained over time. The same could be true of minor sprains that worsen the longer employees continue to work. Workers should not ignore their injuries after realizing them. For example, suppose you hurt your back while lifting a heavy object at work, but did not report it. Then, suppose you referenced your back pain to fellow employees or supervisors, but did not explain the cause. If you then attempted to file a Workers’ Compensation claim and your peers are interviewed, it might seem as though your injury is not work related.

Finally, after initiating a Workers’ Compensation case, do not speak about it unnecessarily. If you see friends outside of work, do not discuss it. If your employer approaches you about it, tell our lawyers. Talking about your case could ultimately harm it.

Call Our Falmouth, MA Lawyers to Get Workers’ Comp Benefits

The Law Office of John J. Sheehan can help you with your case when you call our Workers’ Compensation lawyers at (617) 925-6407.