North Reading Construction Accident and Injury Lawyer

Construction projects help cities grow, change, and adapt to the needs of citizens, but construction zones are often quite dangerous. If you are injured on a construction site, speak to an attorney about your legal rights as soon as possible.

You should think about filing a lawsuit for damages because the costs of construction-related injuries can be high, and other options like Workers’ Compensation might not be available. After an accident, various people in charge of the work zone might be responsible, depending on the situation. General contractors, subcontractors, property owners, or various third parties might be to blame for your injuries. Figuring out the value of your damages might be complicated. An attorney can help you assess economic losses, including medical bills, plus non-economic injuries like pain and suffering.

Call (617) 925-6407 and ask our construction accident and injury lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan about a free case assessment to kick off your lawsuit.

Why Sue for Your Injuries From a North Reading Construction Accident?

After an accident, injured victims can be hesitant to file lawsuits for various reasons. Many people do not want to make a fuss over an accident, while others are afraid of how long the case might take or how much it could cost. If you are unsure about taking legal action, talk to our construction accident and injury attorneys for advice.

You should give serious consideration to filing a lawsuit if the costs associated with your injuries are too much to bear on your own. Even with health insurance, many people must pay high deductibles out of their own pockets. You should also think about how your injuries impact other areas of your life. You might be unable to earn a living because you are too injured to go back to work. The accident might have also unjustly tarnished your reputation as a qualified construction worker.

For injured construction workers, filing a lawsuit is often one of the only legal options available. While Massachusetts’ Workers’ Compensation system typically covers injured employees, independent contractors are usually excluded. Since many construction workers are considered independent contractors, they might be unable to file Workers’ Compensation claims.

Although lawsuits are known for being difficult and time-consuming, plaintiffs often have numerous damages awarded, and they use this compensation to get back on their feet.

Whom You Can Hold Responsible for Construction Accidents and Injuries in North Reading

When filing your lawsuit, our construction accident and injury lawyers will help you determine whom to name as a defendant. For many, only one person or party is named in a lawsuit. For others, numerous people might have contributed to the accident, and several parties can be named in the case.


Construction workers injured in accidents can often sue the people who hired them. For some, this means suing the general contractor in charge of the entire job site. For others, this means suing a subcontractor. In either circumstance, our construction accident and injury attorneys will assist you.

Property owners or construction management companies often hire general contractors when a construction job begins. General contractors are put in charge of everything on the job site, including hiring workers and subcontractors and supervising the work.

You can often sue the person who hired you and is in charge of how you perform your work. General contractors are often liable because they are in charge of hiring workers. However, once a subcontractor is hired, they are often in charge of their own jobs and hire their own workers separate from the general contractor. Thus, if you were hired by a subcontractor rather than directly by a general contractor, our team can help you sue them.

Property Owners

When property owners hire a general contractor, they usually remove themselves from the situation almost entirely. When this happens, injured workers usually are unable to sue property or homeowners. However, if the property owner retained some level of control over your work, they might be liable for the accident.

One possibility is that the property owner provided tools or supplies for you. If those tools or supplies malfunctioned or were defective, the property owner can be sued for the accident. Additionally, our construction accident and injury lawyers can help you sue the property owner if the accident happens because of unsafe conditions of the property.

According to premises liability laws, property owners must make sure hazards on their property are removed or repaired for the safety of others. If the property owner fails to make the premises safe for you to work, we can help you sue them for damages.

How to Figure Out Your Damages in a Construction Accident Case in North Reading

Damages in a construction accident case can be off the charts, and our construction accident and injury lawyers know how to calculate your losses and costs to maximize your compensation. While many injuries are economic in nature, many others are non-economic and more subjective.

Economic losses are often a bit more obvious to the plaintiff. The money you needed to spend because of your injuries should be counted among your economic damages. Your damages calculations must include lost income from missing work, hospital bills, and the cost of replacing damaged tools.

Non-economic damages are rooted in personal experiences rather than money and expenses. These damages are very subjective, and determining their value can be tricky. We can advocate for the most compensation possible, but juries tend to have the final word on how much non-economic damages are worth. Pain, suffering, damage to your reputation, and humiliation may all be claimed.

Call Our North Reading Construction Accident and Injury Lawyers for Assistance

Call (617) 925-6407 to speak with our construction accident and injury lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan in a free review of your case.