Newton, MA Car Accident Lawyer

The damages that result from car accidents can vary. Many victims incur physical injuries such as broken bones, soft tissue damage, head injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Furthermore, those who suffer car accidents can incur multiple forms of financial hardship and emotional distress.

You may pursue financial compensation for your car accident injuries. However, the path to payment can be complicated. Support from the experienced team at our firm can be highly beneficial when evaluating the strength of your claim against another driver.

After suffering a car accident in Newton, MA, seek guidance from our car accident lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan by dialing (617) 925-6407.

Damages Available to Plaintiffs in Newton Car Accident Lawsuits

Fortunately, there are multiple forms of monetary damages that may be awarded to plaintiffs in car accident lawsuits. During your free case review, our car accident lawyers can explain which of the following damages may be recovered:

Medical Bills

In your case against the at-fault motorist, you may purse payment for any medical bills stemming from your car accident injuries. These damages may include compensation for all past, current, and future medical treatment related to the harm you suffered. For example, you could sue for the cost of your ambulance ride, hospital bills, surgical operations, and prescription medications.

Usually, damages for medical expenses are established using your medical records. Accordingly, you should not wait to visit a doctor after your accident. If your injuries heal before they can be officially documented, then the route to financial compensation can become more complicated.

Property Damage

You may also seek monetary damages for any property damage you sustained as the result of your car accident. For instance, if your car was damaged because of your crash, then you may sue the other driver for the cost of its replacement or repair.

The defendant in your case may try to argue that your property damage is related to another accident, as opposed to the crash at issue. Therefore, it may benefit you to take photos of your damaged vehicle in the immediate aftermath of your collision is possible. These photos may be used to establish the property damage caused by your accident.

Lost Income

Many car accident victims are forced to spend time away from work while their injuries heal. Thankfully, you may also pursue financial compensation for any lost income you incur because of your car accident injuries. Generally, these damages will be calculated using workers’ average weekly wages.

Additionally, if your car accident injuries restrict your ability to perform work going forward, then you may acquire payment for your diminished earning capacity. Still, supporting claims for lost future income can be a complex task. Help from our legal team can be very valuable when gathering the evidence necessary to recover lost future wages in your case.

Pain and Suffering

Financial losses are not the only types of damages you may have compensated through a car accident lawsuit. You may also seek payment for non-economic damages such as physical pain and emotional suffering.

Many car accident injuries produce high degrees of physical pain. For example, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, torn ligaments and burns can all be particularly excruciating. If you suffered any type of physical injury as the result of your collision, then you may be awarded payment for the pain it caused.

Furthermore, there are many ways that car accident injuries can produce emotional suffering. For instance, someone who sustains a severe concussion because of their crash may be unable to partake in social activities with friends and family members. Also, a victim with a spinal cord injury may be unable to participate in their favorite hobbies as a result of their collision. In either case, the injured party could pursue monetary damages for the emotional distress they incurred.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Finally, you may also obtain payment for many types of out-of-pocket expenses that you incur as the result of your car accident. For example, you may have to pay for help with transportation to and from medical appointments and court proceedings. Further, if you are an injured parent, then you may need to pay for help with child care while your injuries heal. Either of those expenses could be included in your claim against the defendant.

Usually, out-of-pocket expenses are established using financial records such as receipts. You should attempt to preserve the receipts you are given for any expenses stemming from your car accident injuries.

Common Locations Where Car Accidents Happen in Newton, MA

There are many different locations where car accidents can happen. Still, there are certain places where they occur more frequently. The following are examples of common locations where accidents happen in Newton:


Many accidents occur at intersections. These accidents frequently happen because drivers disobey traffic signals and fail to yield the right-of-way. Thankfully, there are several forms of evidence that can be used to prove fault for accidents that occur at intersections.


Highways are another common location for car accidents. Many highway accidents occur because of speeding drivers and drivers who commit improper lane changes. Unfortunately, highway accidents have a propensity to cause severe injuries.

Residential Areas

Accidents can happen in residential neighborhoods, especially where there are higher concentrations of parked cars, children playing, and complex road layouts. If you were injured as the result of an accident in a residential area, then you may be entitled to payment for the harm you endured.

Parking Lots

Collisions frequently occur in parking lots due to limited visibility, congestion, and drivers maneuvering in tight spaces. These crashes regularly occur because motorists fail to check their surroundings before turning into and out of parking spaces.

Rural Roads

Finally, many collisions happen on rural roads. Curvy or poorly maintained rural roads can pose risks, especially at night or during inclement weather conditions when visibility is reduced.

If You Suffered a Car Crash in Newton, MA, Our Lawyers Can Help

Get assistance from our experienced car accident lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan today by calling (617) 925-6407.