Milford, MA Personal Injury Lawyer

Accidents of all kinds happen all the time. Some people are relatively unharmed, while others are severely injured. Call our lawyers to discuss your legal options if you were hurt because of another person’s negligence.

Personal injury claims cover a wide array of accidents and injuries. Generally, if your claim involves some sort of bodily harm, it might be considered a personal injury claim. Our team has experience handling cases involving defective products, car crashes, brain injuries, slip and fall accidents, and more. Call a lawyer soon if you have recently been injured in an accident. You have a mere 3 years to file a case, and the clock is already ticking. Damages in your case should account for the things you have lost and deeply painful personal experiences. Our team can help you evaluate your damages so that no compensation is left on the table.

Reach out to our personal injury lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan for a free case evaluation by calling (617) 925-6407.

Personal Injury Cases Our Milford, MA Attorneys Have Handled

The legal field of personal injury cases is broad. Numerous cases, claims, and injuries may fall under the umbrella of personal injury law. Since so many different cases might be considered personal injury cases, it is important that you work with a lawyer who has experience handling personal injury claims like yours. Below are some, but not necessarily all, of the cases our legal team has handled before.

Product Liability

Some personal injuries are not caused by other people, at least not directly. Instead, they might be caused by dangerously defective or faulty consumer products. Consumers buy goods and products assuming they are safe to use. If the item is poorly designed or defective, it might cause injuries.

Our personal injury attorneys have experience handling product liability cases involving things like defective machinery and tools on construction sites, like nail guns, among other items. We must show that the item was defective when it arrived to you and that you were using it in a safe manner for the item’s intended purpose when you were injured.

Auto Accidents

One of the most frequently filed personal injury claims is for car accidents. People are on the road almost every day, so it makes sense that vehicle collisions make up a large portion of personal injury claims filed in South Carolina each year.

Our team has handled numerous auto accidents involving various types of vehicles. We have experience with cases involving cars, trucks, and motorcycles. We have also helped plaintiffs who were injured while driving, riding a bike, or simply walking down the street when they were struck by a vehicle.

Brain Injuries

Some accidents lead to incredibly serious personal injuries, and damages might be incredibly high. Brain injuries are arguably among the most severe injuries a person might suffer, as they can have permanent complications. If you or a loved one experienced a traumatic brain injury in some sort of accident, you might be dealing with long-term cognitive disabilities and the loss of independence. The person who caused the accident and injuries should be held accountable.

Premises Liability

You have likely heard about cases where someone slips, falls, and becomes hurt, so they decide to sue the person who owns the property where they were injured. These cases are often looked down on as being frivolous, but slip-and-fall cases often involve severe injuries.

This kind of accident falls under the category of premises liability cases. In such cases, a property owner may be held liable for injuries that happen on their property as a direct result of improper care and maintenance of the property. Even something as simple as a wet floor might lead to a big lawsuit.

How Soon After an Accident in Milford, MA Should You File a Personal Injury Case?

You cannot be expected to pick up the phone, call a lawyer, and file a lawsuit immediately after an accident. Most people spend some time recovering from their injuries and considering their legal options before they file a lawsuit. While taking this time is reasonable, you should avoid taking too long to decide what to do. Under the law, you have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit before your right to bring the cause of action expires.

According to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 260 § 2A, the statute of limitations, you only have 3 years to file a civil lawsuit for damages after an accident. The clock starts counting down on the day of the accident. It can often take months or longer to fully prepare a case before it is filed, so it is best to contact a lawyer as soon as possible to maximize your time.

Recoverable Damages in Milford, MA Personal Injury Cases

Economic damages encompass the money you spent or lost because of your injuries. This often includes hospital bills, the value of damaged property, lost wages from missing work, and other financial costs. These damages are somewhat easier to determine as they are based on actual expenses rather than subjective experiences. Even so, it can be very easy to overlook certain expenses. Keep a thorough record of the costs of your accident so you get as much compensation as possible.

Non-economic damages are not based on money. Instead, these damages are based on your experiences during and after the accident. Since these damages tend to be highly subjective and unique to each plaintiff, the jury must determine their worth. You can claim damages for bodily pain, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of your life, and many other painful experiences.

In Massachusetts, punitive damages are not allowed in most cases. These damages are awarded to punish defendants for especially bad behavior. Punitive damages may only be awarded in certain wrongful death cases. Even then, these damages are not guaranteed and are rarely awarded.

Do Not Hesitate to Call Our Milford, MA Personal Injury Attorneys

Reach out to our personal injury lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan for a free case evaluation by calling (617) 925-6407.