Massachusetts Lost Wages Attorneys

On-the-job injuries often lead to lost wages for workers because they are unable to perform their duties while recovering. This loss of income can be devastating for victims and their families, especially if they rely on those wages to cover essential expenses such as rent, bills, and groceries. Without the ability to work, injured workers may face financial strain and difficulty meeting their economic obligations.

Fortunately, if you suffer a work-related injury in Massachusetts, then you may recover payment for lost income by filing a Workers’ Compensation claim. The team at our law firm can offer thorough guidance through each step of the process for filing your claim. We will ensure that your rights are protected and help overcome any obstacles you may face.

Get support from our lost wages attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan by dialing (617) 925-6407.

Common Workplace Injuries that Cause Victims to Incur Lost Wages in Massachusetts

There are many different types of harm that may cause employees to miss time at work. For instance, the following are all common examples of workplace injuries that can lead to lost wages in Massachusetts:

Back Injuries

Back injuries are often suffered by workers who engage in heavy lifting or repetitive motions. These injuries can lead to significant pain and limitations in movement, making it challenging for victims to perform their job duties effectively. As a result, workers with back injuries regularly need to take time off work for recovery.

Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains are also injuries that frequently occur in workplaces where physical labor is involved, such as construction sites or warehouses. These injuries can happen suddenly or develop gradually over time because of overexertion.

The pain and reduced mobility associated with sprains and strains often forces victims to take significant time off work for treatment and rehabilitation. Our experienced lost wages lawyers are prepared to help injured employees recover benefits for lost income related to their strains and sprains.


Fractures and broken bones can occur in various workplace accidents such as falls from heights, machinery accidents, and vehicle collisions. Depending on the severity of the fracture, workers may require surgery, immobilization, and extensive rehabilitation to recover fully. During this time, workers are usually unable to perform their regular job tasks.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are some of the most serious types of on-the-job injuries that can occur. They often happen as the result of accidents like slip and falls, vehicle accidents, machinery accidents, and strikes from falling objects.

Head injuries can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries that affect cognitive function, memory, and coordination. In many cases, those who sustain head injuries require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation, leading to prolonged absences from work.


Burn injuries can happen in various work environments, including kitchens, factories, vehicles, and laboratories. Essentially, these injuries can occur anywhere workers are exposed to heat, chemicals, or electrical hazards.

Severe burns can require extensive medical treatment, including surgeries, skin grafts, and rehabilitation. Burn victims frequently cannot perform their job duties while undergoing their treatment and recuperation.

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) often develop over time from repetitive movements or overuse of certain muscles or joints. For example, jobs that involve continuous typing, lifting, or assembly line work can contribute to RSIs such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. Workers experiencing RSIs may require rest, physical therapy, or ergonomic adjustments to their workspace. Accordingly, these injures may lead to temporary or permanent limitations on victims’ abilities to work and earn income.

Chemical Exposure Injuries

Lastly, many workers in industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and cleaning face exposure to hazardous chemicals. Inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion of these chemicals can lead to various health issues such as respiratory problems, skin irritations, and neurological damage. Depending on the severity of the exposure, victims of chemical exposure injuries may need medical treatment and time off work for recovery.

Do You Need to Report Your Work-Related Injury to Recover Lost Wages in Massachusetts?

It is crucial to report an on-the-job injury to your employer in order to recover lost wages. Reporting ensures that your employer is aware of the injury and that they can initiate the Workers’ Compensation process. Failure to report the injury promptly may result in a loss of benefits, including compensation for lost wages, leaving you without financial support during a difficult time.

Can You Recover Lost Wages if You Share Fault for Your Workplace Accident in Massachusetts?

Unlike traditional personal injury claims, where fault is a significant factor in determining compensation, Workers’ Compensation operates under a no-fault system. This means that injured workers are entitled to benefits regardless of who is to blame for their accidents

One of the key principles of Workers’ Compensation is that it provides a form of insurance to protect employees and their families in the event of work-related injuries or illnesses. Accordingly, there is a focus is on ensuring that claimants receive prompt medical care and wage replacement benefits. Avoiding the need to determine fault or liability helps prevent lengthy legal battles and allows injured parties to access the support they need without delays.

Regardless of whether your actions contributed to your on-the-job accident, you are generally eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

Duration of Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Lost Wages in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, the length of time you may receive Workers’ Compensation benefits for lost wages depends on the nature and severity of your injury.

Temporary disability benefits are typically available to injured workers who are unable to work because of their injuries but are expected to recover and return at some point. These benefits may continue until the worker reaches maximum medical improvement (MMI) or is deemed capable of returning to their job at full capacity.

On the other hand, if the injury results in permanent impairment or disability that prevents the worker from returning to their previous job or any gainful employment, then they may be eligible for permanent disability benefits. These benefits may continue for an extended period or even for the remainder of the worker’s life.

Determining the type and duration of benefits available in a particular case requires a thorough evaluation of the injury by medical professionals and legal experts. The team at our firm can provide guidance and assistance in understanding the types of benefits that may be available to you.

Contact Our Law Firm for Help Recovering Lost Wages in Massachusetts

Get assistance from our lost wages lawyers by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan today at (617) 925-6407.