Mansfield, MA Truck Accident Lawyer

Try as we might, accidents on the road sometimes cannot be avoided. You might be driving as carefully as possible, but another driver might be so negligent that you cannot avoid the accident they cause. The same goes for truck drivers. Unfortunately, accidents with enormous trucks can be extremely dangerous, and other drivers are often badly hurt.

Truck accidents happen differently from normal car accidents because trucks are extremely large and heavy. Once things start going wrong on the road, it is very difficult for truckers to stop the crash from happening. Head-on collisions, rollover accidents, and jackknife accidents are all possible. In many cases, negligent truckers are at the heart of the problem, and their employers may be held liable along with them under certain circumstances. To begin a case against those responsible for the accident, talk to an attorney and assess your damages. Truck accidents tend to be severe, and your damages may be substantial.

Call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free case review and speak to our truck accident attorneys about your claims.

How Truck Crashes Can Happen in Mansfield, MA

Truck crashes are incredibly frightening for drivers in other vehicles. They might happen very quickly, and you are suddenly faced with a multi-ton vehicle crashing down around you. In the moment, it might be difficult to figure out exactly what is going on. However, after law enforcement officials investigate the crash, we might have a better idea of what went wrong, and this information can help our truck accident attorneys file your case and get your compensation.

Head-On Collisions

Some of the most dangerous kinds of truck accidents are head-on collisions. These accidents are often very fast and difficult for truckers to stop and for other drivers to avoid. You might be driving down the highway when suddenly, a truck crosses the median and slams right into you. These accidents often result from high rates of speed. Remember, trucks are incredibly large and heavy and cannot stop on a dime. Truckers might swerve off the road to avoid hitting another car, only to crash right into you.

Rollover Accidents

Trucks are not just heavy and wide, but they are also extremely tall. This can make for a very scary accident if trucks tip over on the road. How exactly would a truck tip over? The answer to this question may vary based on the circumstances, as numerous factors might cause a rollover accident. For example, if cargo inside the truck’s trailer is improperly loaded, the trailer might be unbalanced and more likely to tip when the trucker makes a sharp turn. Alternatively, negligent truckers who are speeding while navigating turns are more likely to cause the trailer to capsize. Nearby vehicles and drivers might be crushed under the trailer.

Jackknife Accidents

A jackknife accident is unique to trucks and other vehicles hauling trailers because it requires a vehicle hitched to a trailer with a coupling device. A jackknife accident can happen when the trailer and the truck are no longer moving in sync. For example, the trucker might hit the brakes too hard while driving a bit too fast. The truck might slow down, but the trailer might not slow down at the same rate, causing the trailer to swing out to one side. If other drivers are near the truck, they might be struck by the swerving trailer.

Determining Who is Responsible for Your Mansfield, MA Truck Collision

Since truck accidents are often large, chaotic, and complicated, injured victims are often unsure of how the accident happened or who caused them. This is an important piece of the puzzle that must be uncovered to file a legal claim for damages. While negligent truckers are often implicated, their employers might also be held liable.

Truck driver negligence is a major concern on the road and often leads to disastrous accidents. For example, a huge problem within the trucking industry is fatigued drivers. Truckers are often expected to make very long trips as quickly as possible, which requires driving for hours and hours with no rest. This makes for overly tired drivers who might doze off behind the wheel and crash. Another possibility is that truckers commit minor traffic violations that lead to major consequences. Speeding might not be such a huge deal for a driver in a car, but a trucker might be unable to slow down in time to avoid a collision because the truck is too big to stop.

If the trucker did something negligent to cause the accident, we might also be able to have their employer, the trucking company, held liable with them. This is because of the legal doctrine known as respondeat superior, which holds that employers may be held vicariously liable for injuries caused by negligent employees if the employees acted within the normal scope of their work when they caused the accident.

How to Start a Truck Accident Case in Mansfield, MA

Beginning a truck accident case is no small feat, and you should hire an experienced attorney to help you. The first big legal hurdle to jump is insurance. Massachusetts is a no-fault state when it comes to car insurance, and drivers are required to file claims with their own no-fault insurance policies rather than the other driver’s insurance. On top of that, the law prohibits accident victims from filing civil lawsuits for damages unless specific legal criteria are satisfied.

According to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 231 § 6D, your case must satisfy one of two specific legal criteria for you to file a lawsuit. First, you must have incurred more than $2,000 in medical bills due to your injuries from the accident. Alternatively, your injuries must include dismemberment, death, loss of vision or hearing, or serious disfigurement. If you are unsure whether your case meets these requirements, talk about it with your attorney.

Get Assistance From Our Truck Accident Attorneys in Mansfield, MA

For a free case review, call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 and speak to our truck accident attorneys about your claims.