Mansfield, MA Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents might seriously affect victims’ lives, injuring them and leaving them with compensable damages in Mansfield.

Soft tissue injuries are some of the most common for car accident victims, particularly whiplash injuries, which happen during rear-end crashes. Facial fractures also happen frequently, often during airbag deployment. Victims might sustain broken bones in other areas of their bodies, especially if their vehicles flip or roll over during collisions. Head and spinal cord injuries are some of the most traumatic injuries victims can sustain, potentially turning fatal. Head injuries could cause permanent brain damage, and spinal cord injuries could leave victims fully or partially paralyzed. Regardless of your specific injuries, documenting them after the accident is crucial. This will lead to medical evidence our lawyers can use to prove your damages and the need for compensation from the negligent driver.

Get a free and confidential case assessment from the Law Office of John J. Sheehan by calling our car accident lawyers at (617) 925-6407.

Car Accident Injuries Victims Sustain in Mansfield, MA

Car accidents have the potential to cause serious injuries for victims, ranging from whiplash and fractures to spinal cord and head injuries. On top of getting attention from paramedics at a crash site, victims must go straight to the emergency room following collisions so that they can get the appropriate diagnostic testing and urgent treatment for their injuries.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries, like whiplash, are common in rear-end accidents. Soft tissue injuries, particularly in the neck, might limit victims’ mobility and cause considerable pain or discomfort. Soft tissue injuries and tears need treatment, which might include pain management medication or physical therapy to regain full movement in the neck without issue. The cost of treating soft tissue injuries could put victims over the $2,000 threshold in medical damages necessary to file claims and recover compensation for pain and suffering under Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 231, § 6D, and our car accident lawyers can carefully track victims’ medical damages during this time.

Victims might not feel the effects of soft tissue injuries immediately after accidents, especially when reeling from the stress of a chaotic collision. Still, you should always get assessed by paramedics and doctors at the emergency room, as they might be able to identify soft tissue injuries before they can worsen, possibly causing you additional damages.


Victims frequently sustain fractures during motor vehicle collisions. Facial fractures are common, and victims might sustain broken noses or jaw fractures during airbag deployment. Other facial injuries, like lacerations from broken glass, are also common.

Victims could sustain broken bones in other areas of the body as well. For example, during T-bone collisions, there is a high chance of crushing injuries to one side of the body. This is also a risk when cars roll over during accidents or victims get pinned beneath vehicles, which could happen when accidents involve pedestrians or bicyclists.

When victims sustain fractures, they might be in significant pain, making it difficult to speak to negligent drivers or exchange insurance information. This is one of the reasons why calling law enforcement is vital, as police officers can collect this information while victims get the appropriate on-site assistance from paramedics. Police departments typically make accident reports accessible soon after collisions, and we can help victims get their reports.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are among the most serious victims could sustain, often happening during head-on and T-bone accidents. Head injuries range from minor concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), and initial symptoms might present similarly. Victims should always go to the hospital for evaluation after sustaining head injuries. Doctors can quickly assess your injuries and diagnose you after running the appropriate tests, which might include MRIs and CT scans. For specialized care, victims might have to see neurologists, especially if they need surgery to address a TBI.

Some head injuries never fully heal, having long-term consequences for victims. For example, victims with TBIs might be unable to return to work at any significant earning capacity, affecting their abilities to support themselves and their families now and in the future. Since this reduced earning capacity and loss of income is due to the at-fault driver’s negligence, they should be liable for such damages. We can calculate lost wages based on income statements and employment records.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are a risk during any auto accident, particularly in high-speed collisions that cause cars to flip over. The force of the impact could compress the spine or cause other trauma, like herniated disks and bruising. Spinal cord injuries could lead to full or partial paralysis for victims. When paralysis injuries are not totally permanent, victims may need extensive physical therapy to regain mobility in the affected areas. This can affect victims’ quality of life in innumerable ways, preventing them from working or engaging in daily tasks or hobbies they once enjoyed. As part of their path to recovery, victims may also need multiple surgeries. This can not only be expensive but can also cause additional pain and suffering for victims as they deal with the emotional toll of arduous medical treatment.

Fatal Injuries

In 2023, 343 fatal car accidents were reported to law enforcement in Massachusetts. Though car accidents might be immediately fatal, some victims might succumb to injuries in the following days or weeks. Only a victim’s executor or administrator can act as the plaintiff in a wrongful death claim, and they must file the case within three years of the victim’s death for their survivors to get compensation, according to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 229, § 2. Note that the date of accrual is the date of death, not the date of the accident.

Call Our Mansfield, MA Lawyers to Discuss Your Collision

Call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 to have our car accident lawyers review your case for free.