Fitchburg, MA Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents often occur as the result of peoples’ negligent conduct. There are multiple different parties whose careless behavior may help contribute to such accidents. For instance, a crash may occur because of negligence exhibited by a truck driver, a trucking company, or the manufacturer of a defective part.

Fortunately, at-fault parties may be held responsible for truck accidents they cause. After your accident, our legal professionals can conduct an investigation and identify who is to blame. Moreover, we can offer thorough guidance and support during each step of the process for pursuing compensation.

Seek assistance from our experienced truck accident attorneys at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan by calling (617) 925-6407.

Time Limit for Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Fitchburg, MA

The time limit for filing a truck accident lawsuit in Massachusetts is governed by Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 260, § 2A. You will usually have three years from the date of your truck accident to bring your claim against an at-fault party. If you do not file within this time frame, then you may miss out on important financial compensation.

Despite potentially having up to three years to file your truck accident case, you should begin building your claim as soon as possible after your crash. The evidence needed to support your lawsuit may become difficult to collect and preserve as time passes. For example, eyewitnesses can forget relevant details and important physical evidence can deteriorate. The more quickly you get in touch with our truck accident attorneys, the more efficiently we can gather the information we need to win your case.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Fitchburg, MA

There are several different types of negligent conduct that can lead to harmful truck accidents. After reviewing the specifics of your case, our legal team can determine if your crash stems from any of the following:

Improper Cargo Loading

Improperly loaded cargo is a significant contributor to truck accidents. When cargo is not secured or distributed correctly, it can lead to shifts in weight distribution, affecting the truck’s balance and stability. This imbalance increases the risk of rollovers or loss of control, posing a serious threat to other road users.

Tired Driving

Fatigue among truck drivers is a prevalent cause of accidents. Long hours on the road, demanding schedules, and insufficient rest periods contribute to driver fatigue. Tired driving impairs a driver’s reaction time, attentiveness, and decision-making abilities, elevating the likelihood of accidents and endangering the safety of everyone on the road.

Improper Use of Tie Downs

Failure to properly secure cargo using tie-downs can result in catastrophic consequences. Inadequate securing of heavy or oversized loads can lead to cargo spills or shifts, creating hazardous conditions for other motorists. This negligence in tie-down procedures significantly heightens the risk of accidents.


Excessive speed is a common factor in truck accidents, amplifying the force of impact and reducing a driver’s ability to react to sudden changes in traffic conditions. Speeding compromises overall road safety and increases the severity of collisions, often resulting in more severe injuries and property damage.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving, including activities such as texting or using electronic devices, diverts a driver’s attention from the road. Truck drivers engaging in distracted behaviors are at a higher risk of causing accidents because they may fail to observe critical cues, leading to delayed reactions and impaired driving performance.

Negligent Vehicle Maintenance

Truck accidents can also stem from inadequate vehicle maintenance. Neglecting routine inspections, repairs, and component replacements can result in mechanical failures, such as brake malfunctions or tire blowouts, posing serious risks to the driver and other road users.

Negligent Hiring Practices

When trucking companies fail to thoroughly vet and hire qualified drivers, accidents may occur because of inadequate training or a driver’s history of safety violations. Negligent hiring practices contribute to the presence of inexperienced or unfit drivers on the road, compromising overall safety.


Tailgating, or following too closely, is a hazardous behavior that frequently leads to truck accidents. Insufficient following distances reduce the time a driver has to react to sudden stops or changes in traffic flow, increasing the likelihood of rear-end collisions.

Running Red Lights

Disregarding traffic signals and running red lights is a dangerous behavior that can result in severe accidents, especially when large trucks are involved. Failure to obey traffic signals increases the risk of intersection collisions and endangers the safety of pedestrians and other motorists.

Illegal Lane Changes

Improper or illegal lane changes by truck drivers contribute to accidents, often leading to sideswipes or collisions with other vehicles. Inadequate signaling, failure to check blind spots, and abrupt lane changes can result in dangerous situations on the road.

Improper Left Turns

Incorrectly executed left turns by truck drivers pose a significant risk on the road. Failing to yield the right of way, misjudging the speed of oncoming traffic, or making wide turns can result in collisions and jeopardize the safety of others sharing the road.

Role of Trucking Regulations in Fitchburg, MA

The relevance of federal and state regulations governing the trucking industry in assessing liability and negligence cannot be overstated. These regulations, set forth by agencies like the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), establish stringent standards designed to ensure the safety of commercial truck operations. Adherence to these regulations is crucial in determining liability and negligence in the event of a truck accident. Violations, such as exceeding hours-of-service limits, improper cargo loading, or inadequate maintenance, can serve as evidence of negligence on the part of the trucking company or driver.

Moreover, these regulations provide a benchmark against which the conduct of all parties involved can be measured, helping to establish whether their actions met the required safety standards. In assessing truck accident cases, our legal professionals often scrutinize the compliance records with these regulations, as they play a pivotal role in establishing liability, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances leading to the accident.

Call Our Law Firm for Help with Your Truck Accident Case in Fitchburg, MA

Seek support from our experienced truck accident attorneys by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407.