Massachusetts Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Even though motorcycles make up only a small number of motor vehicles on the roadways, motorcyclists suffer a disproportionate amount of catastrophic and fatal injuries when they are involved in a motorbike accident. The aftermath of an accident can be extremely challenging if you are unable to work due to your injuries and are amassing thousands of dollars in medical bills. In some cases, you may be left with permanent impairments that may make it impossible for you to return to your previous job or perhaps any job at all.
A trusted Massachusetts motorcycle accident attorney could assess the circumstances that led to your accident and determine whether you have any legally valid claims for compensation. by calling a Massachusetts motorcycle accident lawyer for assistance, you may be able to recover for your losses as you work to recover from your physical injuries and emotional trauma. Call our Massachusetts motorcycle accident lawyers today at (617) 925-6407.
Compensation for Motorcycle Accident Claims in Massachusetts
If you have a legal claim against others for their negligent acts, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Various items of compensation may be available in these claims, depending on the circumstances, including the following:
- Lost wages and loss of future income
- Medical expenses for the treatment of injuries
- Permanent scarring and disfigurement
- Pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life
One significant difference between individuals who are injured in motorcycle accidents as opposed to regular motor vehicle accidents is that they may not claim no-fault Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits to compensate them for their injuries. In an auto wreck, you could immediately seek these benefits, regardless of fault, but if you were riding a motorcycle when the accident occurred, you may not. This fact makes it even more crucial for you to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer in Massachusetts right away to explore all your options.
Comparative Negligence Laws in Massachusetts Motorcycle Accident Claims
Motorcyclists must follow the rules of the road, just like other motorists. When he or she does not, and an accident occurs as a result, he or she may be partially at fault for the accidents that resulted in their injuries. Under Massachusetts General Laws Ch. 231§85, partial liability does not foreclose injury victims from seeking compensation from other negligent drivers. These individuals may still be able to file a claim for damages against other negligent parties, so long as their level of fault or negligence is less than that of the other parties combined. For more information about comparative negligence, contact a knowledgeable legal professional.
Contact a Massachusetts Motorcycle Accident Attorney for Advice
Motorcycle accidents tend to result in catastrophic injuries, significant property damage, and an inability to return to work to some time. As a result, you need to ensure that your rights to compensation are fully protected as you begin the healing process. by consulting a Boston motorcycle accident lawyer, you may have a better chance of fully recovering compensation for your injuries.
State law places strict time limits on the ability of injury victims in motorcycle accidents and other motor vehicle accidents to file personal injury claims. Failing to file your claims within that timeframe can result in receiving no compensation for your injuries. Therefore, taking immediate action to contact legal counsel may be wise. Call our Massachusetts personal injury lawyers at (617) 925-6407.