Marshfield, MA Truck Accident Lawyer

When reeling from a traumatic truck crash, victims can turn to our lawyers in Marshfield for help recovering the compensatory damages they deserve.

Some locations see truck accidents more frequently than others, such as popular highways in Marshfield like Routes 3 and 3A. Other areas, like intersections generally, are also common locations for truck accidents, as drivers might make improper turns or fail to check their large blind spots. Often, truck crashes are serious, resulting in sometimes permanent, disfiguring, or fatal injuries. To ensure you have enough evidence to support your case, call the police and take photos of the crash site to preserve evidence. Then, focus your attention on your physical well-being and go to the hospital for the necessary treatment. As you recover physically, we can begin interviewing eyewitnesses and enlisting experts to give statements or testimony in support of your claim.

Call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 to discuss your case for free with our Marshfield, MA truck accident lawyers.

Most Likely Locations for Truck Accidents in Marshfield, MA

Certain areas of Marshfield are riskier for truck accidents, like any of the highly traveled highways throughout the greater area, notably Routes 3 and 3A, popular roads among truck drivers carrying goods up and down Massachusetts’ coastline. Highways become more dangerous when poorly maintained, especially during the cold winter months in Marshfield when streets might ice over.

If truck drivers are not careful when merging on and off highways, they might fail to see other drivers on the road. Large commercial trucks have bigger blind spots than passenger cars; failing to account for that difference could result in an accident.

Intersections, in general, are common locations for truck crashes. Trucks that make improper or illegal turns or try to speed through yellow lights might strike passenger cars, resulting in catastrophic accidents in Marshfield.

Furthermore, truck accidents are sometimes more likely at night, when drivers might be tired from working overtime. Encouraging or making drivers work overtime to make delivery deadlines could be considered negligent, making the truck company liable for a victim’s damages.

Most Common Outcomes of Truck Accidents in Marshfield, MA

Commercial and large trucks can weigh between 20 and 30 times more than the average passenger car, making the force of impact, even at slower speeds, considerable. So, what might have been a minor fender-bender had it involved two passenger cars could end up being a serious accident when a negligent truck driver is to blame.

The outcomes of truck accidents vary but are often severe. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5,936 people died in accidents involving large trucks nationwide in 2022, a two percent increase in fatalities from the previous year.

Because of the force of impact in such collisions, victims are more likely to sustain catastrophic injuries, like crushing injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Victims might collide with fixed objects within their vehicles or be flung from their vehicles, possibly sustaining disfiguring injuries in the process.

Since victims rarely walk away from truck accidents without serious injuries, getting immediate medical attention is crucial. While at the crash site, call 911 for help and ask them to send paramedics. If you cannot call 911 yourself because you are lodged in your vehicle or are too injured, ask someone else, like an eyewitness, to do so on your behalf.

Because injuries sustained in truck crashes are sometimes life-altering, outcomes of these accidents typically include considerable damages, both economic and non-economic. Our lawyers can help you document and tally your losses as we prepare your case in Marshfield.

Most Useful Evidence in Marshfield, MA Truck Injury Claims

Our lawyers may use various evidence, including photos from the crash site, medical records, and witness testimony, to prove negligence in your case.

Photos of the Crash Site

As we build your case, give our truck accident lawyers any photos you took at the collision scene. This includes pictures of the property damage to your car, debris or glass on the road, tire marks on the street, and your immediate physical injuries. On top of organizing the photos you took, we can get pictures taken by law enforcement when we obtain the accident report from the Marshfield Police Department.

Furthermore, we will quickly survey the accident location for surveillance systems and request access to footage that might show the truck driver acting negligently and causing the accident.

Medical Records

Your medical records will be vital evidence in your case, so focus on your physical recovery after an accident by going directly to the emergency room. You may need ample records to prove you sustained a serious injury or incurred enough medical damages to make you eligible to recover non-economic damages for pain and suffering in your lawsuit, according to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 231, § 6D. Do not let any gaps in your treatment form, as that could raise questions about the severity of your injuries.

Witness Testimony

Witness testimony is often very useful, whether it comes from experts or eyewitnesses. Regarding eyewitnesses, our attorneys will contact them as soon as possible after the accident. This is when eyewitnesses’ memories are freshest, and they can easily and accurately recall an accident’s events. If you notice any eyewitnesses sticking around after an accident, request their contact information so we can more easily reach out and interview them.

To get experts to help with your case, our attorneys will organize the necessary information for them to review. For example, an expert in accident reconstruction can use photographic evidence from the crash site to determine vital facts, such as the exact point of impact and the truck’s speed and direction of travel. Experts can testify in court about their findings, proving the defendant’s fault for the accident.

Call Our Truck Accident and Injury Attorneys in Marshfield, MA Today

Call (617) 925-6407 to get help with your case from the truck accident lawyers of the Law Office of John J. Sheehan.