Marshfield, MA Car Accident Lawyer

You deserve compensation for car accident injuries due to negligence in Marshfield, and filing a lawsuit may allow you to get those damages.

While you are still at the crash location in Marshfield, take note of the surrounding area, including nearby traffic signs or security systems. Be sure to get the other driver’s information, and do your best to speak to eyewitnesses. Always call the police to document the accident, as we may need the police report when preparing the basis of your case. In addition to the accident report, our lawyers will help victims obtain other records, like wage and employment information, to calculate missed income from the accident. We will do the same regarding medical records, helping victims organize such documents throughout their claims. Our attorneys will also help victims keep track of all damages from the collision, whether financial or emotional.

For a free case review from the Law Office of John J. Sheehan, call our Marshfield, MA car accident lawyers at (617) 925-6407.

What to Note at a Car Accident Site in Marshfield, MA

In the moments after your accident, noting pertinent information at the scene can let our lawyers start building the basis of your claim almost immediately in Marshfield.

Start by getting the other driver’s insurance information. If they give you a hard time or your injuries are too serious to talk to them, the police can gather this information when they arrive.

Try to take in the entire accident scene, including any nearby traffic signs or possible surveillance systems. If you have your phone with you, use it to take pictures, especially of any debris or tire marks left on the road. Victims should also take photos of property damage, including the final landing points of both vehicles in relation to one another. Preserving physical evidence is important, as the accident scene might only remain intact for a short time in Marshfield.

If you notice eyewitnesses, take a moment to speak with them. Ask them for their names and phone numbers, as our car accident lawyers may have to interview them immediately. When victims cannot easily identify eyewitnesses at a scene because they need care from paramedics, we may learn their information from the report or identify them through other means.

Documents and Records Needed in Marshfield, MA Car Accident Cases

When preparing your case, our lawyers will obtain and organize various records and documents, including the accident report from the Marshfield Police Department, employment and income records, medical records, and copies of all related bills and invoices.

Police Reports

Despite being inadmissible in injury lawsuits in Massachusetts, police reports are important documents to have when preparing claims. As you recover from accident injuries, our lawyers can refer to the police report to learn basic details about the incident, like its exact date, location, time, and possible contributing factors. We can also review the report to ensure its accuracy, alerting the Marshfield Police Department to errors as necessary.

Car accident reports are typically available from the Marshfield Police Department within several days of an accident. Alternatively, victims can download reports online after they are uploaded to the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.

Employment and Wage Records

We will also need wage and employment records, which we can help request from your employer if necessary. In addition to this information, we may need copies of your most recent tax returns to confirm your income before the accident. These records will help us calculate your lost wages from the crash, which are compensable in car accident lawsuits.

Medical Records

Medical records are some of the most important documents in car crash lawsuits, as they prove victims’ injuries due to negligence. To ensure a thorough medical history for the accident, go to the hospital immediately. Our attorneys can help you obtain medical records from the necessary providers and hospitals. To sue for non-economic damages in Massachusetts, victims must prove serious injury or incur enough medical damages, according to Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 231, § 6D. Without medical records proving your injuries, you may not recover compensation for all or any damages from the collision.

Medical records aid in the recovery of nearly all damages. For example, if records and testimony from doctors indicate you cannot return to your same level of employment because of the accident, you could recover more damages for lost wages, including future losses.

Furthermore, victims can use medical records to prove their pain and suffering to juries in Marshfield. For example, suppose medical records show a victim sustained a permanent spinal cord injury that will forever alter their quality of life. In that case, a jury might be sympathetic and award greater non-economic damages. Because of the significance of medical records in car accident claims, victims should prioritize this aspect of their recovery while our lawyers focus on preparing other aspects of their claims.

All Bills, Invoices, and Charges

Many economic damages are compensable in motor vehicle accident lawsuits in Marshfield, but victims must show they were incurred to get damages. This is done through proof of damages, which come in the form of bills, invoices, and charges. As you get bills or incur damages from the incident, give copies to our lawyers. We can keep a running tally of all costs, including any necessary medical costs for surgeries, casts, mobility aids, physical therapy, prescription medications, and any others. For example, if you need transportation accommodations to take you to and from the hospital throughout your treatment, those costs should also be covered.

If you incurred any costs from mental health treatments due to anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder from the accident, report those losses to our lawyers as well. Though proven and quantified differently than financial damages, non-economic damages may be compensable in your case.

Call Us to Discuss Your Car Accident Lawsuit in Marshfield, MA Now

Call the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for help with your case from our car accident lawyers.