How to Get Workers’ Comp for Carpal Tunnel in Boston

Employees can develop carpal tunnel syndrome through repetitive hand and wrist movements, such as typing or using vibrating tools. These activities can lead to increased pressure on the median nerve. Additionally, maintaining awkward hand positions or consistently applying forceful gripping may contribute to the development of this condition. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome often include tingling, numbness, and pain in the hand and fingers, particularly the thumb, index, and middle fingers.

In order to obtain Workers’ Compensation benefits for carpal tunnel syndrome in Boston, you must promptly report your injury to your employer. Afterwards, our legal team can guide you through the process of pursuing your claim. We will work diligently to protect your rights and recover the maximum amount of compensation available in your case.

Get support from our experienced Boston Workers’ Compensation lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan today by calling (617) 925-6407.

Obtaining Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Carpal Tunnel in Boston

As previously mentioned, if you developed carpal tunnel syndrome during the course of your employment in Boston, then you may be entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits. The following is an outline of the steps you should take to recover payment for such an injury:

Reporting Your Injury

To initiate the process of obtaining Workers’ Compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome, it is crucial to promptly report the injury to your employer. This should be done as soon as possible after you become aware of the condition. Failure to report the injury promptly may result in complications with your claim. Inform your supervisor or human resources department in writing, providing specific details about when and how the injury occurred.

Seeking Medical Treatment

In order to strengthen your Workers’ Compensation claim for carpal tunnel syndrome, it is imperative to seek prompt medical attention. Visit a healthcare professional who can diagnose and document the condition. Your medical records will play a significant role in establishing the connection between your work activities and the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Keep detailed records of all medical appointments, treatments, and prescriptions related to your injury.

Gathering Evidence

Next, you should document any circumstances that may have contributed to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome in your workplace. Take photographs of any devices you used that may have contributed to this injury and obtain statements from colleagues who may have witnessed the conditions leading to your injury. The more comprehensive your evidence, the stronger your case will be when seeking Workers’ Compensation.

Contacting Our Lawyers

When facing the complexities of obtaining Workers’ Compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome, it is advisable to seek help from legal representation. Our Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation lawyers have experience handling such cases and can provide invaluable support. We are here to guide you through each step of the process, offering personalized legal assistance tailored to the specific circumstances of your case.

Do You Need to Prove that Someone Else is at-Fault for Your Injury to Recover Workers’ Compensation for Carpal Tunnel in Boston?

No, proving that someone else is at fault is not a requirement to recover Workers’ Compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome in Boston. Workers’ Compensation is generally a no-fault system, meaning that employees are entitled to benefits regardless of who caused the injury. In the case of carpal tunnel syndrome, as long as the injury is work-related and occurred in the course of employment, individuals can typically qualify for Workers’ Compensation benefits without having to establish fault on the part of their employer or any other party. Still, as previously discussed, it is important to report the injury promptly and follow the proper procedures to ensure a smooth Workers’ Compensation claim process.

Reasons Why Workers’ Compensation Claims for Carpal Tunnel May Be Denied in Boston

There are multiple reasons why an employer and their insurance company may deny a Workers’ Compensation claim for carpal tunnel. Fortunately, our legal professionals can help you avoid any of the following issues with your claim:

Claim Submission Issues

Workers’ Compensation claims for carpal tunnel syndrome may be denied if there are submission issues. Failing to report the injury promptly or not adhering to the specified deadlines for claim submission can lead to denial. It is crucial to follow the proper procedures and ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted within the required timeframe.

Insufficient Medical Evidence

A common reason for denial is insufficient medical evidence. If the medical documentation does not clearly establish a connection between the carpal tunnel syndrome and work-related activities, the claim may be rejected. It is essential to seek timely and comprehensive medical treatment, providing detailed records to support the correlation between the condition and workplace factors.

Pre-existing Conditions

Denial of a Workers’ Compensation claim for carpal tunnel syndrome may occur if there is a pre-existing condition. Insurance providers may dispute the claim, arguing that the condition existed before the individual started working or that factors outside the workplace contributed to the injury. Establishing a clear link between the work environment and the development of carpal tunnel syndrome becomes crucial in such cases.

Failure to Follow Treatment Plans

If an injured worker fails to follow prescribed medical treatment plans or ignores medical advice, it can result in claim denial. Adherence to treatment and rehabilitation plans is essential to demonstrate the seriousness of the injury and the commitment to recovery. Non-compliance may lead insurers to question the validity of the claim.

Incomplete Documentation of Workplace Conditions

Inadequate documentation of the conditions in the workplace that contributed to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome can be a reason for denial. Insufficient evidence, such as lack of witness statements or photographs depicting the work environment, may weaken the case. Thoroughly documenting the work-related aspects contributing to the injury is crucial for a successful Workers’ Compensation claim.

Call Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Assistance with Your Claim in Boston

Get help from our experienced Methuen Workers’ Compensation attorneys by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan today at (617) 925-6407.