Hingham, MA Personal Injury Lawyer

Whether injured in slip and falls, car crashes, or other incidents due to negligence, victims may file injury lawsuits. Whether they settle these claims or win them during trials, victims may recover damages for all their losses in Hingham.

Victims must identify all liable parties following accidents in Hingham, and our attorneys can launch investigations immediately to pinpoint the cause. We may do this in various ways, such as reviewing physical evidence and speaking with eyewitnesses. During our investigation, we may need access to various records and documents, including a victim’s medical and employment records and documentation of other out-of-pocket expenses. Victims’ recovery timelines vary from case to case, but they typically have just three years to sue in Hingham. After filing your case, we may engage in settlement talks with the defendant, identifying the appropriate negotiation strategies to use to maximize your recovery.

Call us today at (617) 925-6407 and get a free case review from the Law Office of John J. Sheehan’s Boston personal injury lawyers.

Pinpointing the Cause of Personal Injuries in Hingham, MA

Pinpointing the cause of personal injuries is vital so that victims know who to seek compensation from in Hingham. In all types of injury cases, starting this process immediately is vital.

Personal injuries happen for various reasons, car accidents being some of the most common causes. Car accidents are not always cut and dry, even when only two drivers are involved in Hingham. For example, suppose a speeding driver hits you and then claims that their brakes failed, which is why they could not slow down to avoid the impact. In such situations, investigating all potential causes of an accident is crucial. If a driver’s brakes fail without any indication, the manufacturer might be liable for the victim’s damages. But, because the driver was also speeding, they might share some of the blame.

Determining the actual cause of personal injuries is particularly important when victims initially think they are injured because of their own actions. This might happen in slip and fall accidents where victims do not realize the property owner owed them a duty of care or that they could be liable for their injuries. In tripping, slipping, or falling accidents, our attorneys will seek to learn more about the property in question and the hazard that caused your injuries. To do this, we may interview eyewitnesses to the accident, which we will do soon afterward so their statements are reliable.

Crucial evidence could be at risk of getting lost in the days following accidents, so starting investigations right away is crucial. Such evidence might include physical evidence from the scene and relevant security camera footage.

Gathering Records for Personal Injury Claims in Hingham, MA

While preparing personal injury lawsuits in Hingham, we can help victims gather the necessary records and documents and see how they relate to their claims.

Some of the most important documents in personal injury lawsuits are victims’ medical records. We can assist victims with retrieving records from hospitals and providers, and victims should keep getting the necessary treatments throughout their claims.

We will also look for any incident reports for the event. When victims call 911, law enforcement officers may write reports, which we can help victims obtain later. Victims may report other accidents, like workplace accidents, directly to at-fault parties, like their employers. We can get copies of any incident reports for the accident and review them for additional information that might strengthen your recovery.

Victims’ employment records, previous tax returns, and paystubs can help our personal injury lawyers calculate their lost wages, so we may need access to this information when preparing your claim. Furthermore, we will monitor victims’ medical damages from the accident to show their damages from treatment.

Recovery Timeline for Victims of Personal Injuries in Hingham, MA

Depending on how soon you file your case, it could be several months or years from the accident to the date you receive damages. Furthermore, there is only a strict period of time during which victims may file injury lawsuits in Hingham.

The most important thing to know about the recovery timeline for your case is the statute of limitations. This sets the timeframe for victims to file lawsuits and is strictly enforced by courts in Massachusetts. In general, Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 260, § 2A gives victims three years to sue negligent parties. Tolling exceptions for delayed discovery or minor victims only apply in certain cases, and victims should not rely on potential exceptions to the statute of limitations when in need of compensation.

The filing deadline dictates how long you can bring your case, not how long it might take to conclude after it is filed. Lengthy settlement negotiations could cause personal injury claims to drag on far longer than necessary, and our attorneys can employ the necessary tactics and negotiation strategies to speed up the process so you get compensation sooner. Though wanting compensation fast is understandable, patiently awaiting a fair settlement is important. Victims who agree to unfair settlement terms might be unable to seek additional compensation in the future. When reviewing offers from the defendant in your case, we will compare them to your incurred medical damages, lost wages, and emotional pain and suffering.

Whether you agree to a lump sum settlement or are awarded one at trial, you will receive all damages at once. If you get a structured settlement, which is more common, you will receive damages via regular installments, typically over a period of several months or years. Part of negotiating a fair settlement is ensuring the payment terms are also favorable to victims, and our lawyers can prioritize this during your case.

Call Our Hingham, MA Injury Attorneys Today

Call the personal injury lawyers of the Law Office of John J. Sheehan for a free case assessment at (617) 925-6407.