Easton, MA Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
You should not have to go without an income after being hurt on the job. Workers’ Compensation may cover your medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses. Talk to an attorney about your accident and employment situation as soon as possible. If you are approved, you may receive benefit payments while you are unable to work.
After an accident at work, you should report the incident and any injuries to your employer immediately and get medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you are unsure whether you are eligible for Workers’ Compensation, call a lawyer for assistance. Once you become eligible, they can get to work on your application right away. Submitting a claim is not simple, and your attorney may need to help you gather evidence and proof of your injuries and inability to work. Benefits might include compensation for lost income, medical costs, certain specific injuries, and more.
For a private case review for no charge, contact our Workers’ Compensation lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan by calling (617) 925-6407.
When You Should Speak to a Lawyer About Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Easton, MA
It is never too early to talk to a lawyer after an accident. While you should first get any medical care you need, your next step should be to call an attorney for help. Your lawyer can review your accident and help you determine if you are eligible for Workers’ Compensation benefits. They may also contact your employer to make sure the accident was properly reported and documented. Always report accidents to your employer, even if you do not believe you are badly hurt. If accidents are not reported, getting Workers’ Compensation might be difficult as there is no paper trail for the insurance company to follow.
You might not be eligible for benefits when you first contact our Workers’ Compensation lawyers, but that is okay. Most people do not become eligible until they have missed at least 5 days of work due to their injuries. Your lawyer can help you prepare for when this day comes. Track all the days you miss from work because of your injuries, and document how the missed days are directly related to your injuries and not something else.
Collecting Evidence to Support Your Workers’ Compensation Claim in Easton, MA
To get the benefits you need through Workers’ Compensation, we need evidence to back up your claims. Only certain injuries and accidents are considered compensable, and we need to prove that your case meets the criteria for benefits.
First, we need reports from your employer about the initial accident and the days you could not work because of your injuries. Generally, eligible employees must miss at least 5 days of work because of their injuries, and these days do not have to be consecutive. If you ever have to call out of work, be sure to inform your employer that it is because of your injuries. Remember, documentation is key.
Next, we need medical records from your doctor regarding your injuries. These records should indicate that you are injured and incapacitated from working. This is why it is crucial that you see a doctor as soon as possible after an accident. The sooner you get treatment, the more accurate and detailed your medical records may be.
We might also need various other pieces of evidence to complete your application for Workers’ Compensation. Maybe coworkers who saw the accident can submit a sworn statement about how it happened. You might also provide your own statement about your injuries and ability to work. Your lawyer can help you determine what you need and how to get it.
What Kind of Benefits Can You Get Through Workers’ Compensation in Easton, MA?
Your next question might be about how much your potential benefits are worth. This is a reasonable question, as you need to know what kind of financial support to expect. The answer might be difficult to explain without more information about your specific situation. Your benefits may be based on the severity of your injuries, the extent of your incapacitation, and your income before the accident.
Lost Income and Wages
One of the main concerns of injured workers is how they will make ends meet while they cannot work. If you are eligible for Workers’ Compensation, you may be entitled to benefits worth a portion of your lost wages and income.
Suppose your injuries are total and permanent, meaning your condition is expected to last indefinitely, and you might never be able to work again. In that case, you may receive total and permanent incapacity benefits under Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 152 § 34A. These benefits may be worth two-thirds of your average weekly income and last for as long as you need them, possibly indefinitely.
If your injuries prevent you from working at all, but your doctors believe that your injuries may eventually recover and you will someday work again, you may receive temporary total incapacity benefits under § 34. These may be worth 60% of your average weekly wage from before your injury and last for no longer than 156 weeks.
Some injured workers are incapacitated, but not entirely so. You might still be able to work, but in a much reduced capacity, earning less than before. In such cases, workers may claim partial incapacity benefits under § 35. You may receive weekly compensation worth 60% of the difference between your former average wage and the wages you are capable of earning now. These benefits may last for up to 260 weeks.
Medical Costs
Medical care is another concern among injured employees. Healthcare is infamously expensive, and Workers’ Compensation can help you cover these costs. Your lawyer can help you claim benefits to cover the cost of reasonably necessary medical treatment. Only treatment related to your injuries from the accident at work may be covered, and they must be considered reasonably necessary for your recovery.
Reach Out to Our Easton, MA Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Support Now
For a private case review for no charge, contact our Workers’ Compensation lawyers at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan by calling (617) 925-6407.