Does the Need to Have Surgery Affect the Value of an Injury Case in Massachusetts?

Personal injury plaintiffs may recover compensation for the cost of any medical procedures they incurred. In many cases, victims must undergo costly surgical operations.

Accordingly, the need to have surgery can increase the value of an injury case in Massachusetts. Surgical operations are usually expensive. Additionally, the road to recovery after a surgical operation can involve physical pain and emotional suffering. A personal injury lawyer can help recover fair compensation for any surgeries you may require.

If you suffered a personal injury in Massachusetts, get help obtaining payment for the harm you incurred. Reach out to our experienced Massachusetts personal injury lawyers by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free review of your case.

How Surgery Costs the Value of Your Personal Injury Case in Massachusetts

The need to have surgery can increase the value of your personal injury case in multiple ways. First, plaintiffs are entitled to compensation for any medical expenses they suffered because of their injuries. That includes surgical operations.

Surgical operations can be very costly. In addition to the cost of your operation, patients may sustain financial losses for the cost of the following:

  • Hospital stays
  • Transportation to medical appointments
  • Anesthesia
  • Diagnostics
  • Doctor’s visits
  • Prescription medication
  • Post-operative therapy and rehabilitation
  • Crutches, wheelchairs, and other medical devices
  • Home care

Fortunately, our Boston personal injury lawyers can help recover compensation for the each of the aforementioned expenses. These damages are usually proven through medical records and bills.

Second, the need to have surgery can impact the amount of pain and suffering damages awarded in your case. Plaintiffs who require surgical treatment may undergo significant physical pain and emotional suffering because of their operations. In many cases, patients must endure great discomfort while their injuries heal. Furthermore, after some surgeries, victims must complete strenuous physical therapy. If you need surgery to treat your injury, our attorneys can help seek monetary damages for the pain you experienced on your road to recovery.

Common Types of Personal Injuries that Require Surgery in Massachusetts

There is a wide range of personal injuries suffered by victims in Massachusetts. The following are common types of injuries that require surgical treatment:

Spinal Cord Injuries

Many victims with spinal cord injuries require surgery. Herniated discs, broken vertebrae, annular tears, and other severe types of spinal cord damage may all need to be addressed surgically. If you suffered a spinal cord injury, our Massachusetts personal injury lawyers can help find the right specialist for you.

Dental Injuries

Personal injury victims can also incur mouth, tooth, and gum damage because of their accidents. For instance, a victim may sustain dental injuries because their face impacted a hard object inside of their vehicle during a car accident. These types of injuries often require surgical treatment to repair.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are another serious type of personal injury that often requires surgery. For example, a victim whose skull was fractured may require surgical treatment to properly heal. These types of injuries can cause severe symptoms if not treated properly. Our Cambridge personal injury lawyers can help determine the appropriate course of action after suffering a head injury.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries may also require surgical treatment. In some cases, personal injury victims sustain serious damage to ligaments, tendons, or muscles. This type of damage often required surgery to repair.

Many victims suffer soft tissue injuries in their knees, wrists, and shoulders. However, these injuries can occur anywhere in the body. If you suffered a soft tissue injury because of another party’s negligent behavior, our Massachusetts personal injury lawyers can refer a doctor who will determine if you need surgery.

Internal Injuries

Additionally, personal injury victims can suffer internal injuries that require surgical treatment. Internal injuries can arise in the form of internal bleeding or damage to internal organs. These injuries can lead to devastating symptoms if left untreated. However, internal injuries may not become painful for days after an accident. If you suspect you may have suffered internal injuries, you should seek medical care right away.


Lastly, those who suffer disfiguring injuries like burns, scrapes, and jagged cuts may require surgery. When these injuries occur in visible areas such as the hands or face, victims can experience serious emotional anguish. Reconstructive surgeries are often sued to help address permanent, disfiguring damage. You can contact our Massachusetts personal injury lawyers for help pursuing compensation related to any reconstructive surgeries you require.

Common Types of Accidents that Cause Injuries Requiring Surgery in Massachusetts

There are multiple types of accidents that can cause injuries requiring surgery in Massachusetts. Our Wakefield personal injury lawyers can offer guidance and support to surgical patients after any of the following types of accidents:

Car Accidents

Car accidents are a very common type of accident that causes injuries that require surgery. Victims often suffer severe harm because they are thrown from their vehicles or are struck by an object inside of their vehicles during their crashes. Collisions that occur at high speeds are more likely to cause injuries that require surgical intervention. However, any type of crash can lead to devastating harm.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are another type of accident that can cause severe harm. Senior citizens and victims with pre-existing injuries are more likely to require surgical treatment after suffering slip and fall accidents. Fortunately, our Worchester personal injury lawyers can help victims pursue payment for the cost of their operations from the negligent property owners who caused their accidents.

Defective Product Accidents

Lastly, accidents caused by defective products can also cause serious injuries that necessitate surgical intervention. For example, a construction worker may suffer a harmful fall because of defective safety equipment. In that case, our attorneys could help the injured worker recover financial compensation from the defective product’s manufacturer.

If You Suffered a Personal Injury in Massachusetts, Our Attorneys Can Help

If you suffered a personal injury in Massachusetts, seek assistance from our experienced Somerville personal injury lawyers by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free review of your case.