Do Construction Workers Get Workers’ Comp in Massachusetts?

Workers’ Compensation insurance offers crucial benefits to injured employees. Claimants may obtain payment for the medical bills and lost income incurred as a result of their work-related accidents.

Construction workers may be entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits after being hurt on the job in Massachusetts. These benefits must be afforded to any employees who suffer workplace injuries. However, workers are who not classified as traditional employees, like independent contractors, may not be covered. These parties may have to pursue alternative paths to payment after their accidents.

Seek help from our Massachusetts construction accident attorneys by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407 for a free evaluation of your case.

Workers’ Compensation Coverage for Construction Workers in Massachusetts

If you are employed as a construction worker in Massachusetts, then you should be covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance. Employers in this state are required to carry this coverage for their employees. As previously mentioned, the benefits offered by Workers’ Compensation provide crucial payment for medical expenses and lost wages that are incurred because of on-the-job injuries.

However, it’s important to note that independent contractors, unlike traditional employees, may not be covered by Workers’ Compensation. If you are injured while working as an independent contractor, then you might not have access to these benefits. Also, there is a chance that your employer did not abide by their duty to purchase Workers’ Compensation insurance.

Fortunately, our Massachusetts construction accident attorneys can help injured workers recover the monetary damages they deserve. If you are entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits, then we will help file your claim and ensure that it is not wrongfully denied. If you do not have access to these benefits, then our team will explore alternative routes to compensation such as filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim After a Construction Accident in Massachusetts

The process for filing a Workers’ Compensation claim after a construction accident can be highly distressing. There are several actions you must take in order to obtain the payment you deserve. Fortunately, our legal team can assist when navigating each of the following steps in your case:

Notify Your Employer

To initiate the process of filing a Workers’ Compensation claim in Massachusetts, the first step is to inform your employer about a work-related injury or illness. Prompt reporting is crucial, and it should be done within four days of the incident or as soon as you become aware of the injury. Reporting your injury to your employer is essential because it initiates the claims process and helps protect your rights. Provide your employer with detailed information about the circumstances surrounding your injury.

Seek Medical Attention

After notifying your employer, it is vital to seek immediate medical attention for your work-related injury or illness. This step serves a dual purpose: it ensures your well-being and creates a medical record that documents the nature and extent of your injuries. Inform the healthcare provider that your injury is work-related, as this information is critical for the claims process. Keep records of all medical treatment and expenses incurred because of your injury.

Contact Legal Representation

You should not wait to contact our legal team in the aftermath of your workplace accident. We can help ensure that your rights and interests are protected while your claim is being processed. Furthermore, we can help explore other options for recovering compensation. For instance, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking damages that are not offered through Workers’ Compensation insurance.

Await a Response

Once you’ve reported the injury, your employer is legally obligated to report the injury to their Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier. Your employer’s prompt reporting and cooperation in this step are essential for the smooth progress of your claim.

After your Workers’ Compensation claim is submitted, the insurance carrier will review your claim and determine the benefits you may be entitled to. This process may take some time, and you should be prepared to wait for their response. You may receive notification of acceptance, denial, or requests for additional information.

File an Appeal if Necessary

If your Workers’ Compensation claim is denied, our Cambridge construction accident lawyers can provide crucial support in the appeals process. We will guide you through the formal hearing, where you can present evidence, witnesses, and arguments to support your claim for benefits. The Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) will thoroughly assess the facts and evidence presented during the hearing to make a fair decision.

Receive Benefits

In case your Workers’ Compensation claim is approved, you may be entitled to various benefits, including medical coverage, disability benefits, and, if necessary, vocational rehabilitation. The specific benefits you receive will depend on the nature and extent of your injury. Our lawyers will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the benefits you are entitled to and that your rights are protected throughout the process. We will navigate the complexities of the Workers’ Compensation system to make sure you can recover and return to your regular activities as soon as possible.

How Our Attorneys Can Help with Your Workers’ Compensation Claim After a Construction Accident in Massachusetts

If suffered a harmful construction accident in Massachusetts, then you should seek assistance from legal representation as quickly as possible. There are several ways that the team at our firm can help with your potential claim for compensation.

First, our lawyers will help you understand your rights and obligations. We will assist in gathering essential documentation, such as medical records and incident reports, to build a strong claim on your behalf. If disputes or challenges arise with your employer or the insurance company, then our team will fight for your interests and ensure that you receive fair compensation.

Our goal is to relieve the burden of navigating the Workers’ Compensation system, allowing you to focus on your recovery while we fight for your rights. With our experienced legal professionals by your side, you can have confidence that your claim is in capable hands, maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.

Contact Our Construction Accident Lawyers for Help with Your Claim in Massachusetts

Seek assistance from our Boston construction accident attorneys by calling the Law Office of John J. Sheehan at (617) 925-6407.