Boston Toxic Chemical Exposure Lawyer

Toxic chemicals can cause harm that is immediately obvious, such as in the case of a chemical spill, or damage that occurs gradually over time due to repeated exposure. Those suffering from injuries due to exposure to toxic chemicals at work may be entitled to medical benefits and other benefits through workers’ compensation insurance.
Since it can be difficult to file a claim or an initial claim may be denied by an insurance company trying to cut costs, it may be beneficial to talk to a Boston toxic chemical exposure lawyer. an experienced Boston toxic chemical exposure lawyer could help those filing or appealing claims in the legal process to obtain the necessary benefits as quickly as possible. Call John J. Sheehan today at (617) 925-6407.
Common Ways Chemical Exposure Can Occur at Work in Boston
Employees may be exposed to dangerous chemicals in numerous ways. They may touch, inhale, or even digest toxins present in the work environment. The harmful effects may be apparent immediately, such as in the case of a chemical burn, or may only become apparent gradually, such as in the case of repeated exposure to carcinogenic substances that eventually cause cancer. The types of jobs where employees face the risk of dangerous chemical exposure may involve:
- Construction
- Woodworking
- Automotive production
- Agriculture
- Manufacturing of chemicals or paint
- Power plants
- Mineral extraction and processing
Workers in various industries are exposed to toxic chemicals every day whether by accident or as a routine part of the job. For more information, consult with a Boston toxic chemical exposure attorney.
Is My Employer Responsible for My Toxic Chemical Exposure Injuries?
Under rules set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers are required to take certain measures to reduce employees’ exposure to harmful chemicals and to prevent the spread of toxic substances outside the workplace. Protective measures may include preparing specialized training, protective gear and garments, disposal procedures, and procedures for emergencies.
The Massachusetts workers’ compensation program helps employees injured on the job by providing benefits for income lost while they are unable to work and benefits to pay medical bills. In some cases, they may qualify for vocational training for a new type of job.
Medical benefits can cover doctor and hospital bills as well as transportation costs, prescription medications, and therapy. If an employee is injured by exposure to toxic chemicals and suffers scarring or disfigurement or permanently loses functionality in a body part, the workers’ compensation system can pay a lump sum payment to compensate for the long-term loss.
Incapacity benefits provide payments for lost or reduced wages while an employee is unable to work. Depending on the situation, the payments may be for a full or partial disability and may be paid on a short- or long-term basis.
Appealing Denied Claims for Toxic Chemical Exposure in Boston
Unfortunately, when injured workers in Boston file claims for workers’ compensation benefits, there is a high chance that insurers will deny their claims.
When this happens, workers must go through several stages of the claims process in the Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) to seek benefits. Since each level of the claims process has increasing stringent requirements, it is recommended that applicants work with a Boston toxic chemical exposure lawyer during this process.
Talk to a Boston Toxic Chemical Exposure Attorney
Whether due to a sudden accident or years of chronic exposure, exposure to toxic chemicals can have devastating effects on your health and work. If you are suffering an injury caused by toxic chemicals, consider seeking legal representation to pursue compensation for your injuries and losses.
A Boston toxic chemical exposure lawyer could help you protect your future as soon as the injury occurs or is suspected by providing legal guidance on how to proceed effectively through the claims process. Call our Boston personal injury lawyers today at (617) 925-6407 to pursue the benefits you deserve.