Boston Fall from Roof or Work Platform Injury Lawyer

Falls from heights are a top cause of serious worker injuries and deaths of workers in the construction industry. Every year, thousands of construction workers are injured on the job when they fall off roofs or work platforms. In Boston, our personal injury attorney has represented many such clients and helped them to seek justice for accidental injuries that happen during the course of performing their job. Many accidents were preventable, but occurred because someone was negligent. If OSHA safety rules are not implemented, workers are at even more unnecessary risk.
Contact a Boston roofing accident lawyer at the Law Office of John J. Sheehan for a free consultation at (617) 925-6407 if you were injured after falling from a work platform on the job.
Reasons for Roof Falls and Injuries in a Boston Workplace
Common consequences of falling from heights include a worker receiving head or spine injury, broken limbs and death. If they survive, the worker will usually experience some time off the job while they are recovering. Medical attention, surgery and follow-up rehabilitation therapy are very costly and may not be covered by all insurance companies. If you try to work out a deal with insurance companies, remember they only want to cut costs for their companies. Only your personal injury attorney will fight hard to maximize your benefits and awards for injury claims. If a worker dies from a fall accident on the job fall, they may have trouble getting adequate benefits from workers’ compensation insurance. Again, your personal injury lawyer can go to bat for you and help you gain proper and fair compensation for your accidental injuries and other claims.
Why Safety Measures May Not Be Enough for Workers in Boston
Even if your company followed safety measures to the letter, you could still be injured from falling if that safety equipment is defective or fails to work properly. This is another reason to put an experienced personal injury lawyer on your case. They can investigate to determine which of several parties are responsible for your accident. Meanwhile, costs can accumulate and any hidden internal head injuries may not be immediately evident. Your attorney will bring in expert witnesses to calculate what the costs could be from hidden brain injuries, so you should receive benefits to pay for future surgery and other medical treatment.
Work with a Boston Attorney for a Fall from Roof at Work
Expect to spend a lot of time with your attorney during the course of your case. You want to provide any information you have available, and then they will do a further investigation for you. Things to bring to your first meeting include:
- Medical records
- Witness information
- Weather details from the day of the accident
- Police reports
- Work information, date of hire, supervisor on duty
- Photos of the accident, if any
- Any correspondence you have received from insurance companies or the company
Do not talk with insurance agents or you could jeopardize your rights to fair compensation. You can discuss the accident details and decide what action to take next after you speak with your attorney. Your attorney will let you know what other information they might need. Take all you can to your first no-obligation consultation with your Boston personal injury attorney, call now (617) 925-6407 to set up your appointment.