Boston Disability Benefits (SSDI) Lawyer

Every year, thousands of workers are injured and need assistance while they are out of work. The Social Security Administration (SSA) assists disabled workers. This assistance is known as the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). However, not many people are aware of the requirements to get such benefits.
Our Boston SSDI benefits lawyers from The Law Office of John J. Sheehan can help you fight aggressively, strategically, and tirelessly to get you SSDI benefits. Our lawyers have the experience, skill, and dedication needed to face the SSA and build a compelling case. Call our law offices today and schedule your free, confidential consultation. Our phone number is (617) 925-6407.
Qualifying for Disability Benefits (SSDI) in Boston
The SSA has specific requirements to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. First, it is essential to have worked in a job covered by the SSA. SSDI benefits are given to individuals who have accrued enough work credits. If you don’t have enough credits, you may be eligible for another kind of assistance. The SSA requires claimants to have a total of forty working credits. Twenty out of those forty credits must have been earned during the last ten years ending with the year of your disability. Nevertheless, the SSA may consider younger workers who have not accrued the required working credits for their benefits.
The SSA also requires your injury or condition to meet their definition of disability. According to the SSA, your disability meets their definition if you cannot work because of your disability or condition. Additionally, your disability or condition must preclude you from performing other jobs. Finally, your condition must be expected to last for at least a year or result in death. If you meet these requirements, you may qualify for SSDI benefits in Boston.
How Does the SSA Determines if I am Disabled to Get My SSDI Benefits in Boston?
The SSA utilizes a five-pronged method to determine whether you are disabled. You must meet all five requirements in order to be granted the SSA’s SSDI benefits in Boston. We explain each of these steps below:
Do You Engage in SGA?
To be considered disabled in the SSA’s eyes, your income cannot go beyond established thresholds. This is what is known as substantial gainful activity (SGA). In 2021, people filing for SSDI cannot make more than $1,310 a month. If you don’t meet the SGA limits set forth by the SSA, you may go to the second step in your disability determination process.
Is Your Condition “Severe?”
To be considered disabled, your condition or disability must be of such an extent that it significantly limits your ability to perform basic activities. Basic activities include things such as lifting, standing, walking, among other activities. If your disability or condition significantly limits your ability to work – and perform basic tasks – you may go to the third step.
Is Your Condition Listed in the SSA’s Blue Book?
The SSA has an official listing of conditions and disabilities that are considered “severe.” This book is commonly referred to as the SSA’s Blue Book. In it, you can find a comprehensive catalog of conditions that may qualify for SSDI assistance. it is possible that your condition is not listed in the SSA’s book. However, this doesn’t mean the SSA will ignore your case or dismiss it. Under these circumstances, the SSA will analyze your case and determine whether your condition is as severe as one of the conditions listed in the book. If your condition is not listed or is not considered “disabling,” you can proceed to the next step.
Can You Perform Your Former Job?
This is a question the SSA will ask when analyzing your particular case. If you are able to perform any activity related to your former job despite your condition, you will not be deemed disabled, and you will not qualify for SSDI. If your conditions prevent you from working at your former job, then you can go to the next and last step.
Can You Perform Any Other Job?
At this point, the SSA will look at your condition to determine whether you can perform any of the tasks you used to do in your previous work. In other words, the SSA will see if you can perform any other job despite your condition. If, after analyzing your particular situation, the SSA determines you can work, you will not be considered disabled, and you will not qualify for SSDI.
How Can a Boston Disability Benefits (SSDI) Lawyer Help Me?
Contacting an experienced Boston SSDI benefits lawyer should be the first thing to do before filing your claim. Navigating Boston’s complex SSA rules and regulations can be a daunting task for a claimant. a skilled SSDI attorney can help you understand what to expect from your SSDI process.
One of the most critical aspects of your claim is your medical information. Getting all of your medical records and using them to prove your claim can be challenging. However, your attorney knows the best and most effective ways to get all of the necessary medical documents in your case.
Additionally, your attorney can analyze all of the documentation provided by the SSA, as well as the process utilized in your particular case. One of the best reasons to hire a skilled Boston disability attorney is to assist during the appeals process. The SSA dismisses most claims. However, you can appeal your case to have a second chance to get your disability benefits.
Boston Disability Attorney Offering Free Consultations
Facing the SSA’s disability qualification process for your SSDI benefits can be a real challenge, especially when all you want is to get better. at The Law Office of John J. Sheehan, we can help you through your SSDI qualification process. We know how significant these benefits are to you. We will work tirelessly to get your SSDI benefits. Call our law offices today and let us help you with your SSDI claim. For a free, confidential consultation, call (617) 925-6407.