
May 30, 2022

Can I Sue an Uninsured Driver After a Car Accident in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts is a no-fault car insurance state.  Accordingly, claims for damages must typically be made with victim’s own insurance company after a car accident with an uninsured motorist.  However, there are certain situations where you may step outside of no-fault...

May 14, 2022

How is Pain and Suffering Calculated After a Massachusetts Car Accident?

“Pain and suffering” is often used as a catch-all term for “non-economic damages” in general.  “Non-economic damages” are the damages that you face after an accident that aren’t tied to a monetary value.  Calculating pain and suffering and other non-economic damages...

April 19, 2022

Cómo Entender los Daños Monetarios Según la Ley de Massachusetts

El sistema de justicia civil se esfuerza por hacer que la parte lesionada vuelva a estar “entera” cuando se ha lesionado en un accidente. Lo que el tribunal decida que es la medida apropiada para lograrlo se llama “remedio”. Hay dos remedios...

April 19, 2022

Cómo Obtener un Informe Policial de su Accidente de Carro en Boston

Hay algunas medidas comunes que usted debe tomar después de un accidente de carro. Lo primero que debe hacer es atender sus lesiones y verificar como están los pasajeros. Si es necesario, busque atención médica inmediatamente. Dependiendo de sus lesiones, usted debe...

April 2, 2022

What Should You Say to a Workers’ Compensation Doctor?

Before you can receive your Workers’ Compensation benefits, your employer’s insurance will likely require you to get examined by a doctor of their choosing. Because access to benefits is on the line, injured workers need to know what to say and what not to say to a...

March 18, 2022

Can I Sue a Truck Driver for Causing an Accident in Massachusetts?

Truck accidents can be incredibly damaging to victims, causing life-altering injuries that require compensation. Because of that, Massachusetts victims need to know if they can sue a truck driver for causing an accident and how to do so successfully. Generally,...

March 16, 2022

When Should You Get a Car Accident Lawyer in Massachusetts?

As a Massachusetts car accident victim, you should get a trustworthy lawyer. The right attorney can fight for your interests and help you recover sufficient compensatory damages in a Massachusetts car accident lawsuit. You should get a lawyer immediately if you were...