An Overview of Boston Car Accident Trials

Being the victim of an auto accident is never an ideal situation to be in. Not only would you have to undergo medical treatment to heal from your injuries, but you may have to present your argument for compensation in Boston car accident trials. However, in order to adequately prepare for civil litigation, it is recommended to get in touch with a car accident and injury attorney today. a lawyer could help you organize your argument and act as a representative throughout the trial process.

Jury Selection Process in Boston

On the day of the scheduled trial, the court, the plaintiff, and the defendant would participate in the jury selection process. In this process, citizens are randomly notified to appear for a jury trial at the courthouse on a specific date and time. Citizens may be selected to sit as jurors for criminal and civil cases.

Each judge has their own way of conducting jury selection. There are certain statutory questions that the judge has to review with the jurors to try and determine if they have any biases or if there is any reason why they would be unable to serve impartially as a juror, if they know any of the parties, or if they have already formed opinions about the case.

Increasingly now, judges are opening up the jury selection process to the attorneys of both parties to be able to have increased participation. Some judges allow questioning of the jurors as a group to try and elicit some discussion to see if they could determine any biases that potential jurors may have.

Opening Statements for Car Accident Cases

Once the jury is selected, the trial would proceed. Boston car accident trials typically kick off with an opening statement from both parties. First, the plaintiff would present their argument to the jury. Once the plaintiff has presented their argument, the defense would introduce theirs. In an opening statement, both parties would try to highlight specific points the jurors should pay attention.

Direct & Cross Examinations

Once both parties have presented their opening statements, they would then be allowed to examine their witnesses. The plaintiff would first present their witness to the court and ask them any relevant questions that would shed light on the facts or evidence of a case. Once the plaintiff is done questioning the witness, the defense may then question the plaintiff’s witness. After the plaintiff has presented their witnesses, the defense would introduce their witnesses and repeat the questioning process.


During the course of a trial, an attorney may object to a particular statement made by the opposing party or regarding a specific piece of evidence if they find it inflammatory or argumentative. There may be discussions at sidebar with the attorneys and the judge out of the hearing of the jurors to discuss certain legal objections or arguments in support or against a request for an objection or for a piece of evidence to be excluded.

Closing Statements

Closing statements are similar in structure to opening statements. However, the difference lies in who presents their closing argument first. In this case, the defense would present their closing argument first, followed by the plaintiff. The main purpose of a closing argument is to summarize the arguments made and the evidence that supports those arguments. Closing statements may prove to be crucial in leaving a lasting impression upon the jury before leaving the courtroom to make their determination.

Hire an Injury Attorney Today

No one should have to prepare for court while they are still trying to recover from their injuries. However, should an auto accident claim fail be settled, the trial process may be unavoidable. If you have been injured in an auto wreck and require assistance in preparing for Boston car accident trials, be sure to get in touch with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. a lawyer may be able to review the details of your case and provide you with guidance throughout the trial process.